php Programming Glossary: eur
Programmatically access currency exchange rates [closed] format from yahoo For example to convert from GBP to EUR http d quotes.csv s GBPEUR X f sl1d1t1ba..
HashMap via SOAP from Java to PHP and back Object enthMWsT 0 preisStreckeGesamt 28.6 waehrung EUR applikationsDaten stdClass Object entry Array 0 Array key test..
How to parse SOAP XML? payment uniqueReference ESDEUR11039872 uniqueReference epacsReference 74348dc0 cbf0 df11 b725.. postingDate 2010 11 15T15 19 45 postingDate bankCurrency EUR bankCurrency bankAmount 1.00 bankAmount appliedCurrency EUR.. bankCurrency bankAmount 1.00 bankAmount appliedCurrency EUR appliedCurrency appliedAmount 1.00 appliedAmount countryCode..
pack() in php. Illegal hex digit warning i am having some problems using pack in php currencypair EUR USD buy_sell buy alert_device_token array a a b message Your..
How we can use money_format() function in php on windows platform.? CURRENCY echo fmt formatCurrency 1234567.891234567890000 EUR . n echo fmt formatCurrency 1234567.891234567890000 RUR . n.. CURRENCY echo fmt formatCurrency 1234567.891234567890000 EUR . n echo fmt formatCurrency 1234567.891234567890000 RUR . n..
Paypal Checkout Express empty cart problem a SetExpressCheckout request like this CURRENCYCODE EUR RETURNURL http 3A 2F 2Fwww.xxxxxxxx CANCELURL http 3A 2F 2Fwww.xxxxxxxx.. Sale payment action PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE EUR currency code PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT 5.39 subtotal here PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT..
How to convert this XML request into array in php? CountryCode HotelName MinHotelRating 1 SearchCurrency EUR SearchCurrency AdditionalInfo Value 1 Language EN Language Criterion.. 12 ExpireDate 2010 06 13 Base Amount 76.00 CurrencyCode EUR RateDescription Adults 1 Availability A Children 0 RoomNum.. CountryCode HotelName MinHotelRating 1 SearchCurrency EUR SearchCurrency AdditionalInfo Value 1 Language EN Language Criterion..
How to parse this table and extract data from it? currencies with IDs 978 203 and 348. Output should be EUR 104 2182 CZK 4 2747 HUF 38 7919 By looking at similar examples.. 0 Array IFRA VALUTE 978 NAZIV ZEMLJE EMU OZNAKA VALUTE EUR VAŽI ZA 1 SREDNJI KURS 104 2182 ... Example usage foreach data..
Fetching data from another website with php the price of his supply. He she selects the currency USD EUR or AMD and types its value. After that I need to convert inserted.. and add them to my database. So how can I get USD and EUR exchange rates from the site given above using PHP and attach.. class w_50 0 9 . em #Uis' content USDmatch preg_match '# b EUR b . em class w_50 0 9 . em em class w_50 0 9 . em #Uis' content..
How to get the default currency from the PHP Intl ( ICU library ) function with. accepted_currencies array 'USD' 'EUR' locale Locale acceptFromHttp _SERVER 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'..