php Programming Glossary: events
Asynchronous PHP calls? of my code. This would be super useful for setting off events of a sort in my application or triggering long processes. Any..
PHP's strtotime() in Java I want to give the user the ability to say 'I want all events from 1 week to now '. It will make scripting these types of..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler enters their text. Which jQuery method supports handling events triggered by dynamically created elements The code for creating..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? of this method is that it only ignores duplicate key events and still aborts on other errors. As a final notice this post..
How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar? IN ical files. I just want to write a PHP file that pulls events from my database and writes them out in ical format. My problem..
how send message facebook friend through graph api using Accessstoken to Alice's wall on her behalf Send email to Alice Create events on behalf of Alice invite Bob not your user to said events Issue.. events on behalf of Alice invite Bob not your user to said events Issue a request invitation on behalf of Alice to Bob Issue a..
Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate] API with an image. So far I have been able to create events though both the Graph and Rest APIs without images but have.. 98 it fails to do anything. Does anyone know how to create events on facebook though the API with images If so please help me.. to this and giving code to post photos which I adapted for events Setup Setup the Facebook object allowing file upload facebook..
Implementing condition in XPath [duplicate] I have a XML file xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 xml events date 12 12 2010 event title JqueryEvent title description easily.. JqueryEvent title description easily description event events events date 14 12 2011 event title automatically onBlur title.. title description easily description event events events date 14 12 2011 event title automatically onBlur title description..
Best way to allow plugins for a PHP application into their code so that plugins can attach to specific events php plugins architecture hook share improve this question..
How to build a JSON array from mysql database format. I am using fullcalendar and want to make the events on the calendar dynamic. Below is the code that builds the array..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials application that's supposed to allow users to add certain events to a private Google Calendar. The calendar is owned by me and.. the calendar API using fixed credentials everyone can add events using a form on the website but the calendar itself is not publicly..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input product model and probably sales quote_item as well during events such as sales_quote_item_qty_set_after infoBuyRequest product..
Echo menu tree with recursive function # p class Tier1 Cookies p a li li a href # p class Tier1 Events p a li li a href # p class Tier1 Forms p a li li a href #..
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? introduction.html It only contains references to Events which indeed are handled by Signal and Slots . Both frameworks.. during the request Symfony Component HttpKernel KernelEvents Handles a request to convert it to a response. Exceptions are.. this request type this dispatcher dispatch KernelEvents REQUEST event if event hasResponse return this filterResponse..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured..
jQuery not working in AJAX Loaded page
Meaning of Event in php do redirect break config So let's break it down 1 Events improve readability which is great for future 2 Events do adhere.. 1 Events improve readability which is great for future 2 Events do adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle because you.. logic error handler logic data access logic etc etc. Events do simplify your application logic by decoupling business or..
Events on PHP. Is it possible? on PHP. Is it possible I'm coming from the C# world and has..
How to build unlimited level of menu through PHP and mysql Photo Gallery 0 4 Home 0 5 Feedback 0 6 FAQs 0 7 News & Events 0 8 Testimonials 0 81 FACN 0 83 Organisation Structure 81 84..
Repeating Events on the “nth” Weekday of Every Month Events on the &ldquo nth&rdquo Weekday of Every Month I've looked.. again for answers regarding the dreaded topic of Repeating Events. I've got Daily Weekly Monthly and Yearly repeats working out..
How To Handle Communication Between the Domain and Database Layers? is attached to a Campaign then I need to insert all of the Events that need to be executed for that Person for that Campaign...
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events I'm trying to code a secure and lightweight white list based..
Is it possible to preload page contents with ajax/jquery technique?
How should I structure my tree of resources in an ACL? child Courses Courses Faculty2 Courses Faculty2 Course1 Events Events Course1 Events Course1 Event3 etc This will give you.. Courses Courses Faculty2 Courses Faculty2 Course1 Events Events Course1 Events Course1 Event3 etc This will give you groups.. Faculty2 Courses Faculty2 Course1 Events Events Course1 Events Course1 Event3 etc This will give you groups of Courses by faculty..