php Programming Glossary: error_log
Error logging, in a smooth way 'error logging' And I have come up with the function 'error_log' which seem to be a good tool to use to handle the error logging... a try try a database connection... catch PDOException e error_log e getMessage 3 var tmp my errors.log This would log the error.. log. Sure that could work but what If I want to use the error_log in a function or class method Then I would need to set the variable..
PHP 5 disable strict standards error They will be logged to your standard system log or use the error_log directive to specify exactly where you want errors to go. share..
close a connection early header Content Length size ob_end_flush flush sleep 13 error_log do something in the background Which works fine until you substitute..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? this wrapper script. It also helps to enable PHPs error_log and look into your webservers error.log when a script crashes..
Outputting all PHP errors to database not error_log all PHP errors to database not error_log Is it possible to make all PHP errors be written to MySQL instead.. PHP errors be written to MySQL instead of to the standard error_log file. I guess this would be possible if i wrote my own error.. or set up the connection here mysql_query INSERT INTO error_log number string file line . VALUES ..... Don't execute PHP internal..
How to log errors and warnings into a file? Use the following code ini_set log_errors 1 ini_set error_log tmp php error.log error_log Hello errors Then watch the file.. ini_set log_errors 1 ini_set error_log tmp php error.log error_log Hello errors Then watch the file tail f tmp php error.log Or..
Where does PHP store the error log? silly which could also cause your site to have several error_logs file scattered in different directories obviously if you code.. of having to go through entire site structure to look for error_log files Also is there a way i can stop error log files being creating..
Seamless way to check if user likes page payload true if strtoupper data 'algorithm' 'HMAC SHA256' error_log 'Unknown algorithm. Expected HMAC SHA256' return null check.. 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON signature ' return null return data function..
How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app payload true if strtoupper data 'algorithm' 'HMAC SHA256' error_log 'Unknown algorithm. Expected HMAC SHA256' return null check.. 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON signature ' return null return data function..
facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user getUser me facebook api ' me' catch FacebookApiException e error_log e login or logout url will be needed depending on current user.. photos' 'post' photo_details catch FacebookApiException e error_log e login or logout url will be needed depending on current user..
Enabling error display in php via htaccess only php_flag html_errors on php_flag log_errors on php_value error_log home path public_html domain PHP_errors.log share improve..