php Programming Glossary: errorstring
PHP technique to query the APNs Feedback Server 'ssl 2196' error errorString 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext echo 'error ' . error.. streamContext echo 'error ' . error echo 'errorString ' . errorString result fread apns 38 echo 'result ' . result.. streamContext echo 'error ' . error echo 'errorString ' . errorString result fread apns 38 echo 'result ' . result fclose apns So..
Push notifications (iPhone) give “111 Connection refused” 'ssl ' . apnsHost . ' ' . apnsPort error errorString 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext if apns echo Error errorString.. 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext if apns echo Error errorString error Do this for each deviceToken '00000000 00000000 00000000..
Getting errors using APNS PHP 'ssl ' . apnsHost . ' ' . apnsPort error errorString 2 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext apnsMessage chr 0 . chr..
Apple Push Notification Service APNS - Notifications not arriving 'ssl ' . apnsHost . ' ' . apnsPort error errorString 2 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext if apns echo Connection.. fwrite apns apnsMessage else echo Connection Failed echo errorString echo error socket_close apns fclose apns No connection errors..
Any way to access Gearman administration? null handle fsockopen this host this port errorNumber errorString 30 if handle null fwrite handle status n while feof handle..
Why would only some devices be receiving push notifications 'ssl ' . this server . ' ' . this port error errorString 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT context foreach tokens as row apnsMessage..
Push notification not receiving on iphone 'ssl ' . apnsHost . ' ' . apnsPort error errorString 2 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext deviceToken str_replace..