php Programming Glossary: essentially
Get first key in a (possibly) associative array? can use reset and key reset array first_key key array It's essentially the same as your initial code but with a little less overhead..
How to: URL re-writing in PHP? and check out the MVC Framework Model View Controller . It essentially allows you to treat your website like a group of functions
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? the importance of being consistent and up until now I have essentially randomly used single quotes double quotes and backticks without..
How to become an OpenCart guru? to assign your data to the this data variable which is essentially an array of key value pairs. As an example this data 'example_var'..
Converting HTML to PDF (not PDF to HTML) using PHP
User recognition without cookies or local storage the following data B C E G F K The question which you are essentially asking is What is the probability that the received data B C..
URL rewriting with PHP url rewriting share improve this question You can essentially do this 2 ways The .htaccess route with mod_rewrite Add a file..
How to Parse XML File in PHP functions which will be called when reading the XML file essentially they have the same benefits as the XMLReader operating on streams..
Why are functions and methods in PHP case-insensitive? read somewhere that since all the functions introduced essentially felt like tags in an HTML document and since HTML tags were..
How to check file types of uploaded files in PHP? Personally I've had good luck using something that's essentially system file bi uploadedfile but I'm not sure if that's the best..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? in this syntax. Nowdoc since PHP 5.3.0 string syntax works essentially like single quoted strings. The difference is that not even.. one manner in which single and double quotes are essentially equally fast since PHP 4.3 Useless Optimizations toward the..
Convert utf8-characters to iso-88591 and back in PHP 1 utf8_encode Encodes an ISO 8859 1 string to UTF 8 So essentially utf8 ' ' file must be UTF 8 encoded iso88591_1 utf8_decode utf8..
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? Joel's article about Unicode and Character Sets but essentially it boils down to How are strings stored internally and the answer..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? inside the configuration file add the following which is essentially a blank configuration. xml version 1.0 config modules mycompanyname_helloworld..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining essentially unchanged. http watch v A_6gNZCkajU feature..
Compiling an AST back to source code End a reengineering parser prettyprinter represents them essentially as an expression that concatenates the string fragments enabling..
Resize animated gif file without destroying animation though a smaller dimensions image due to coalescing essentially deoptimizing the image. UPDATE If you don't have ImageMagick..
Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically the debugger is not dynamically generated. The url tag essentially acts as a redirector. Unless it's the exact same meaning the..
How can I pass variables from JavaScript to PHP? it should cost. Basically Javascript validation which this essentially is is convenient but shouldn't be trusted. You already have..
PHP <<<EOB documentation will tell you everything you need to know. Essentially however A third way to delimit strings is the heredoc syntax..
Jquery File Upload Hidden IFrame .contents .find body .text But that's always blank. Essentially the returnVals are placed into the iframe body but after the..
How do you use PHPUnit to test a function if that function is supposed to kill PHP? test a function if that function is supposed to kill PHP Essentially I have a method of a class called killProgram which is intended..
Getting the screen resolution using PHP There are several articles written on how to do this. Essentially you can set a cookie or you can even do some Ajax to send the..
How to Block 100,000+ Individual IP addresses look something like this 1 1 etc. Essentially an IP that you want to deny and a space then a 1 . Any IP in..
dynamic drop down box? question Here is an example that will do what you want. Essentially you can use jQuery AJAX to accomplish this. I updated my example..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? values in segments that require different behavior. Essentially this will turn in huge fragile and uncontrollable mess. Bad..
Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code you'll need get_defined_classes as well. Save that array. Essentially you need to get the variables methods and class instances you'll..
What is the difference between redirect and forward in Zend framework instruct the browser to load http foo baz . Essentially _forward does request setActionName action setDispatched false..
Get domain name (not subdomain) in php http foo bar foo bar Essentially I need to be able to match any normal URL. How can I extract..
Issues with PHP 5.3 and sessions folder error with php5 on debian ubuntu session phpini garbage Essentially the garbage collection is set up to be done by cron jobs on..
Algorithm for generating a random number of crawling through a data structure in memory is made. Essentially the idea is to do the following 1 Create a random number from..
ACL implementation this line this acl isAllowed get_class this target method Essentially you have two options Provide the ACL with the object in question...
Are “elseif” and “else if” completely synonymous? is that both would result in exactly the same behavior. Essentially they will behave the same but else if is technically equivalent..
Speeding up large numbers of mysql updates and inserts 9 minutes... averaging about 0.08 seconds per query . Essentially I'm looking for general speed ups to making multiple such requests..
SMS from web application his carrier is then tried matching it with this list . Essentially many most carriers have an email address connected to a phone..
Continue processing after closing connection [duplicate] but continue processing to regenerate and cache new data. Essentially the only purpose is to make a site appear more responsive as..
PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser find string need to search for a string and find the parent id for it. Essentially the reverse of normal usage. Anyone know how php html dom ..
json_decode returns NULL after webservice call know why this byte sequence is displayed as ï» code here. Essentially the system you aquire the data from sends it encoded in UTF..
send a file to client have the client to download that file. How would i do that Essentially the client should be able to download the file from the server...