php Programming Glossary: endforeach
How to properly indent PHP/HTML mixed code? foo php echo row php else Something else php endif tr php endforeach table Outputted HTML looks correct table php foreach rows as.. foo php echo row php else Something else php endif tr php endforeach table I've found that when I run into this situation quite frequently..
Zend Framework 2 - Form Element Decorators php echo this formElementErrors element span div div php endforeach php echo this form closeTag form The exceptions are left out..
php echo vs open&close tag read table foreach lotsofrows as row tr td row 'id' td tr endforeach table I believe this is the preferred standard for Zend Framework...
why the appended row's data didn't displayed after being submitted?
isset() and empty() make code ugly foo is_array foo php foreach foo as bar tr ... tr php endforeach php else tr td No Foo td tr php endif table If you find yourself..
Lightweight PHP5 based template class/system foreach items as item li php echo htmlentities item li php endforeach ul div If you need added functionality consider using ViewHelper.. id td td php echo translate item description td tr php endforeach table If that's too verbose have a look at HEREDOC and NOWDOC..
Kohana 3: Example of model with validation p ul php foreach errors as error li php echo error li php endforeach ul php endif php echo Form open dl dt php echo Form label 'title'.. post li php echo post 'title' . ' ' . post 'post' li php endforeach ul php endif To get this code working in a default install you..
What is this : in php? [closed]
HTML Select Box: set the option on selected with help PHP
Best way to transfer an array between PHP and Javascript rows as row extract row rows id 'title' title And so on endforeach script php javascript ajax arrays dom share improve this..
Using Template on PHP as row li a href row 'link' target _blank row 'name' a li endforeach ul easy clean and maintainable. settings.php contains all common..
How to build a RESTful API? alt php echo user_ . user_ id php echo user name a li php endforeach ul php api.php php This is the API to possibility show the user..
How to create a HTML Table from a PHP array?
Using PHP include to separate site content
php redirection not working the template if err foreach err as e div class err e div endforeach endif form input type text name name value form 'name' textarea..
Can SimplePie grab images from feeds on php echo item get_date 'j F Y g i a' span br php c php endforeach php rss simplepie share improve this question Yes you..