php Programming Glossary: end_array
To understand an array in PHP when given the other variable in the array more information about each question you can simply add to end_array 1 . This is the array my first foreach statement creates The.. Add the Tag to an array of tags for that question end_array tags_and_Qid 'question_id' 'tag' tags_and_Qid 'tag' First compile.. each tag set i 0 Then Loop Through each question foreach end_array as tags_and_Qid 'question_id' tags_and_Qid 'tag' echo n nITERATION..
How can you combine two arrays? share improve this question foreach array1 as a c end_array c array2 a or For every a foreach array1 as a c Get the b b.. a foreach array1 as a c Get the b b array2 a Add it to a c end_array a c b Making it end_array a c b array .... share improve this..
Create array printed with print_r array_string print_r start_array true Get the new array end_array text_to_array array_string Output the array print_r end_array.. text_to_array array_string Output the array print_r end_array function text_to_array str Initialize arrays keys array values..