php Programming Glossary: end
Can't use method return value in write context is simply public function getError return this error Yet I end up with this error can't use method return value in write context.. See @porneL's answer for the correct way. Note #2 I endorse the suggestions to use @porneL's answer . When I wrote this.. meant to explain the nature of the error not necessarily endorse the alternative. The code snippet below is not recommended...
How to extract a file extension in PHP? can read everywhere on the web with various answers ext end explode '.' filename ext substr strrchr filename '.' 1 ext substr.. can give you others info such as canonical path depending on the constant you pass to it. Enjoy share improve this..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] share improve this question Lines 45 47 php That's sending a couple of newlines as output so the headers are already.. 3 lines it's all one big PHP block after all no need to end PHP parsing and then start it again as well as the similar block.. headers line 47 and where the item is that was trying to send a header after output line 106 . share improve this answer..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address that is having trouble with a site that uses it and I end up having to make some adjustment most recently I realized that.. that requires a fancier kind of validation that involves sending that address a message that includes a confirmation token.. as legal but it isn ™t likely to be the person at the other end. For PHP you should not use the pattern given in Validate an..
PHP validation/regex for URL have one handy that works well I didn't find one with the zend framework validation classes and have seen several implementations... 1 target _blank 3 a 4' text most of the random junk at the end is to deal with situations like http in a sentance..
UTF-8 all the way through tried in the past on existing servers and always seem to end up having to fall back to ISO 8859 1. Where exactly do I need.. the W3C HTML spec says that clients should default to sending forms back to the server in whatever charset the server served.. the server served but this is apparently only a recommendation hence the need for being explicit on every single form..
How can I convert a series of parent-child relationships into a hierarchical tree? tree s D œâ € E œâ € A ”â € B ”â € C ”â € G œâ € F ”â € H The end result that I want is a nested set of ul elements with each.. two for clarity a combined function can be found at the end of this answer . First initialize the array of child parent.. don't need to traverse this again unset tree child # Append the child into result array and parse its children return array..
Alternative for PHP_excel aka SpreadsheetML. It's not quite as convenient for the end user as XSLX depending on file extension and Excel version they.. It's not quite as convenient for the end user as XSLX depending on file extension and Excel version they may get a warning..
Who needs singletons? [closed] considered as a bad practice. So after a little search I ended up with the Singleton pattern which applies to situations.. than one instance of you eventually have a second. You may end up with a second monitor a second database a second server whatever... factory pattern can even be converted to use dependency injection without too much trouble. For instance if your..
How should a model be structured in MVC? often I wonder how much code should go in the model. I trend of have a data access class that has methods like this public.. connection sql data catch Exception e throw e My models tend to be just an entity class that is mapped to the database table... that code out that actually does the database work Will I end up having four layers php oop mvc architecture model share..
Using comet with PHP? thinking of implementing real time chat using a PHP backend but I ran across this comment on a site discussing comet My.. The problem isn't specific to PHP and applies to any back end CGI module you may want to use on Apache. The suggested solution.. first request the client can keep the connection open and send further requests using the same socket. This can save signifigant..
Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code object that has some other objects and arrays and in the end you find the variable name. Some combination example var_dump.. to make use of var_dump as you could step by step extend the expression until you find the element. If you make an error.. to place a die after the var_dump statement so not to end the response before it contains to much other data that will..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? described by jurka below. My code is generally only recommended if you don't have PHP 5.3 or better. Several people in the.. 298973 view markup function _date_range_limit start end adj a b result if result a start result b intval start result.. 1 result a adj intval start result a 1 adj 1 if result a end result b intval result a adj result a adj intval result a adj..
Headers already sent by PHP header share improve this question No output before sending headers Functions that send modify HTTP headers must be invoked.. No output before sending headers Functions that send modify HTTP headers must be invoked before any output is made.. that once. And after the double linebreak it can't ever append to them again. When PHP receives the first output print echo..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? It is very difficult to figure out what went wrong. I end up commenting out code entering echo statements everywhere etc... useful error message like Java does Can anyone recommend good PHP debugging tips tools and techniques php debugging..
Remove non-utf8 characters from string improve this question Using a regex approach regex 'END' x00 x7F # single byte sequences 0xxxxxxx xC0 xDF x80 xBF.. 3 1 100 # or more times . # anything else x END preg_replace regex ' 1' text It searches for UTF 8 sequences.. are random this could leave some strange symbols. regex 'END' x00 x7F # single byte sequences 0xxxxxxx xC0 xDF x80 xBF #..
User recognition without cookies or local storage i this w i CHECK POINT checkpoints row_counter this w i END for foreach this w as index w_item debug_w W . index w_item.. 1 Yin yin Y Y debug_dw debug_w array deltaBias 1 END foreach Special for script debugging empty_data_row array .. totalRun 1 sum n_rows referer_value keepTrainning false END while Prepares the final result result array for i 1 i n_columns..
dynamic drop down box? .click function alert 'You clicked the button' END success fn END .ajax END dropdown change event END document.ready.. alert 'You clicked the button' END success fn END .ajax END dropdown change event END document.ready script.. 'You clicked the button' END success fn END .ajax END dropdown change event END document.ready script head body select..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? print behaviour in PHP Heredoc or Nowdoc What does END mean in PHP PHP EOB In PHP what does represent Using CON in..
Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP WHILE j s2_len DO SET cv1 CONCAT cv1 UNHEX HEX j j j 1 END WHILE WHILE i s1_len DO SET s1_char SUBSTRING s1 i 1 c i cv0.. s1_char SUBSTRING s2 j 1 THEN SET cost 0 ELSE SET cost 1 END IF SET c_temp CONV HEX SUBSTRING cv1 j 1 16 10 cost IF c c_temp.. SUBSTRING cv1 j 1 16 10 cost IF c c_temp THEN SET c c_temp END IF SET c_temp CONV HEX SUBSTRING cv1 j 1 1 16 10 1 IF c c_temp..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php parsing data e.toString return JSON String return jObj End Http Request Response Object of the Json Parser..
PHP & mySQL: Year 2038 Bug: What is it? How to solve it?
Remove all attributes from an html tag 'a' through 'z' or '0' through '9' zero or more times # End Capture Group ^ # Match anything other than ' ' Zero or More.. the # Capture Group 2 ' ' if it is there # Match ' ' i # End Pattern Case Insensitive Add some quoting and use the replacement..
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? member of the class zend_do_declare_property ' path' znode End the class declaration zend_do_end_class_declaration znode Foo..
php sentence boundaries detection punct . ' # or end of sentence punct and quote. # End positive lookbehind. # Begin negative lookbehind. Mr . # Skip.. Sr. T .V .A . # or T.V.A. # or... you get the idea . # End negative lookbehind. s # Split on whitespace between sentences...
PHP Linkify Links In Content s s # or... a non equals sign followed by whitespace. # End 13. Non prelinkified proof prefix. b # 14 Other non delimited.. normal . a z0 9 _~ # @ # Last char can 't be . ' # End 14. Other non delimited URL. imx' url_replace ' 1 4 7 10 13..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? to VIDEO_ID ^ w s # but char before ID is non ID char. # End host alternatives. w 11 # 1 VIDEO_ID is exactly 11 chars. ^.. a start tag a # or inside a element text contents. # End recognized pre linked alts. # End negative lookahead assertion... text contents. # End recognized pre linked alts. # End negative lookahead assertion. w. # Consume any URL query remainder...
Compiling an AST back to source code not represented by single tokens in the AST. Our PHP Front End a reengineering parser prettyprinter represents them essentially..
Youtube API - Extract video ID embed # Either embed v # or v watch v # or watch v # End path alternatives. # End host alternatives. w 10 12 # Allow.. v # or v watch v # or watch v # End path alternatives. # End host alternatives. w 10 12 # Allow 10 12 for 11 char youtube..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? PHP I have two dates of the form Start Date 2007 03 24 End Date 2009 06 26 Now I need to find the difference between these..
Find Number of Open Sessions databases or reducing the security on PHP sessions. End Note For anyone coming to this question I ended up using a cronjob..
PHP: How to initialize static variables 0 0 0 7 30 2009 Start date 'end' mktime 0 0 0 8 2 2009 End date 'close' mktime 23 59 59 7 20 2009 Date when registration..
Get Start and End Days for a Given Week in PHP Start and End Days for a Given Week in PHP I'm trying to get the week range..