php Programming Glossary: encodes
Percent Symbol in CodeIgniter URI to a space. This behaviour is because of urlencode which encodes spaces as sign deviating from RFC 1738 . That explains why the..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? My guess but may I be wrong is that any different standard encodes some unusual chars but any other don't so in order to respect..
PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings having one problem with the PHP json_encode function. It encodes numbers as strings e.g. array 'id' 3 becomes id 3 ... When js..
Length of salt in CRYPT_BLOWFISH crypt probably simply uses the first that encodes the internally used 128 bit salt which is QAZXSWEDCVFRTGBNHYUJM...
PHP function imagettftext() and unicode with a value greater than 127. The final for loop encodes these characters in hexadecimal. This solution is working for..
url encode equivalent in ruby on rails an equivalent to PHP's urlencode in Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 It encodes a string to be used in a query part of a URL I googled it but..
Handling big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP as JSON. This causes a problem since the returned JSON encodes the user IDs as numbers json_decode converts these numbers to..
Encoding byte data into digits Mary had a little lamb Since each digit encodes only log 10 log 2 ~3.32193 bits expect the number to tend to..
Encrypting data in Cocoa, decoding in PHP (and vice versa) needs to work in reverse for returning an answer PHP encodes Cocoa decodes . I'm missing something because even though I.. padding issue someplace I just don't see it. My cocoa app encodes using SSCrypto which is just a handy dandy wrapper around OpenSSL..
Unicode characters from JSON.stringify to real unicode characters to PHP. The problem arises when JSON.stringify function encodes unicode characters to format uxxxx eg. u000a . My question is..
PHP Mail Encodes Subject Line chars like Here's the information you requested PHP encodes it to read Here #039 s the information you requested. How do..
Can you convert the output of php crypt() to valid MD5? which couldn't be easier. Takes an input in base 256 and encodes it to base 16 using the Hex alphabet This function will not..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself result smartDecode obj private function smartEncode object encodes string or array if is_array object return encodeArray object.. object return 0 private function smartDecode object encodes string or array if is_string object strpos object 1 return encodeDelimiter..
How can I calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string in Android? function bin2hex means that it takes a string of bytes and encodes it as a hexadecimal number. In the Java code you are trying..
Decrypting strings in Python that were encrypted with MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 in PHP the Python implementation I've linked to only encodes a single block at a time. I've created python functions which..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? does not require encoding tilde characters. urlencode encodes spaces as plus signs not as 20 as done in rawurlencode see http..