php Programming Glossary: engineer
How to verify that server calls are being made from the app? then you've protected your credential against reverse engineering since it will be encrypted and the password will not be stored.. . If you do 1 then someone will be able to reverse engineer your client get the password get the keystore decrypt the private.. is nothing you can do to prevent this you can make reverse engineering your code harder by obfuscation etc but you cannot make it..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? real 2nd order attacks as it is usually easier to social engineer your way in. One way to accomplish a 2nd order injection attack..
Opencart: Ajax json response unknown characters Note that this way one can also safely explore and reverse engineer the source of the iframe etc I also noticed that the website..
How to disable or encrypt “View Source” for my site would encrypt your source code and make it hard to reverse engineer. If you want to protect your JavaScript you can minify it with..
PHP: The Reflection API - Great Addition To PHP With Little Use a complete reflection API that adds the ability to reverse engineer classes interfaces functions methods and extensions. Additionally..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse here for this example JSONObject j new JSONObject j.put engineer me j.put date today j.put fuel full j.put car mine j.put distance.. an echo on _POST 'vehicle' I get the following date today engineer me Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong or if there is..
Suggestions for (semi) securing high-scores in Flash/PHP game tampered with. Somebody smart enough could just reverse engineer your SWF object and inject new code that just sets the score..
General purpose remote data backup and download - including InnoDb support cross platform and works great. BTW Use ctrl G to forward engineer a database It took me a while to find out for to do this. Stand..
Scrape web site generated by Javascript approach works will all websites. You can also reverse engineer the JS and extract the data from it but this makes only sense..
Switching between HTTP and HTTPS pages with secure session-cookie or scalability issue. In a recent blog post a Google engineer reported that when they switched to HTTPS only for GMail they..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game from forging high scores Flash is even easier to reverse engineer than you might think it is since the bytecodes are well documented..