php Programming Glossary: encoding
How can I get a hex dump of a string in PHP? can I get a hex dump of a string in PHP I'm investigating encodings in PHP5. Is there some way to get a raw hex dump of a string.. each of the bytes not characters in a string php string encoding character encoding hex share improve this question echo.. not characters in a string php string encoding character encoding hex share improve this question echo bin2hex string or for..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? any Byte Order Marks in your code for example when the encoding of the script is UTF 8 with BOM. Related questions Headers already..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] what I'm doing now they merely just need the right form of encoding when they're output. The tutorial should explain that when a.. that when a string goes into a new context it needs an encoding process appropriate for that context like htmlspecialchars in..
UTF-8 all the way through back to ISO 8859 1. Where exactly do I need to set the encoding charsets I'm aware that I need to configure Apache MySQL and.. in UTF 8. Note that MySQL will implicitly use utf8 encoding if a utf8_ collation is specified without any explicit character.. without any explicit character set . The MySQL utf8 encoding is only a subset of actual UTF 8 supporting only the BMP. MySQL..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file takes only one value. My XML file is like xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 setting setting1 setting1 value setting1 setting2 setting2..
Headers already sent by PHP source is specified. It's occasionally the gzip stream encoding extension or the ob_gzhandler . But it could also be any doubly..
Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8 encoding and make everything UTF 8 I'm reading out lots of texts from.. database. Of course there are several different character encodings used in the feeds e.g. UTF 8 and ISO 8859 1. Unfortunately.. 1. Unfortunately there are sometimes problems with the encodings of the texts. Example 1 The in Fu ball should look like this..
PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags printTruncated 10 em b Hello b #20 w xC3 xB8rld em print n Encoding note The above code assumes the XHTML is UTF 8 encoded. ASCII..
Sending HTML email from PHP Type text plain charset iso 8859 1 Content Transfer Encoding 7bit Hello World This is simple text email message. PHP alt.. Content Type text html charset iso 8859 1 Content Transfer Encoding 7bit h2 Hello World h2 p This is something with b HTML b formatting...
php send e-mail with attachment Content Type text plain charset utf 8 Content Transfer Encoding 7bit mail_msg PHP alt random_hash PHP mixed random_hash Content.. Content Type text plain name filename Content Transfer Encoding base64 Content Disposition attachment attachment PHP mixed random_hash.. Content Type text plain name filename Content Transfer Encoding base64 Content Disposition attachment attachment PHP mixed random_hash..
Headers already sent by PHP webserver HTTP 1.1 200 OK Powered By PHP 5.3.7 Vary Accept Encoding Content Type text html charset utf 8 html head title PHP page..
How to post JSON to PHP with curl 2.2.8 Win32 PHP 5.2.6 X Powered By PHP 5.2.6 Transfer Encoding chunked Content Type text html charset iso 8859 1 screencast..
Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8 a function that addresses all this issues. It´s called Encoding toUTF8 . You dont need to know what the encoding of your strings.. Windows 1252 or UTF8 or the string can have a mix of them. Encoding toUTF8 will convert everything to UTF8. I did it because a service.. UTF8 and Latin1 in the same string. Usage utf8_string Encoding toUTF8 utf8_or_latin1_or_mixed_string latin1_string Encoding..