php Programming Glossary: encryptor
C# Encryption to PHP Decryption prm_key var IV Convert.FromBase64String prm_iv var encryptor rj.CreateEncryptor key IV var msEncrypt new MemoryStream var.. new MemoryStream var csEncrypt new CryptoStream msEncrypt encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write var toEncrypt Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes..
Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP key parameters. symmetricKey.Mode CipherMode.CBC Generate encryptor from the existing key bytes and initialization vector. Key size.. based on the number of the key bytes. ICryptoTransform encryptor symmetricKey.CreateEncryptor keyBytes initVectorBytes.. CryptoStream cryptoStream new CryptoStream memoryStream encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write Start encrypting. cryptoStream.Write..
What is the best PHP code encryptor? [closed] is the best PHP code encryptor closed Duplicate YUI like compressor for PHP What is the best.. YUI like compressor for PHP What is the best PHP code encryptor The original question was edited and changed in its sense I..