php Programming Glossary: endtime
Beautiful way to remove GET-variables with PHP? mtime microtime mtime explode mtime mtime mtime 1 mtime 0 endtime mtime totaltime endtime starttime echo regexp execution time.. mtime mtime mtime 1 mtime 0 endtime mtime totaltime endtime starttime echo regexp execution time . totaltime. seconds mtime.. mtime microtime mtime explode mtime mtime mtime 1 mtime 0 endtime mtime totaltime endtime starttime echo explode execution time..
PHP exec() performance usr local bin convert 1.pdf density 200 quality 85 1.jpg' endtime microtime true time_taken endtime starttime When i run the same.. 200 quality 85 1.jpg' endtime microtime true time_taken endtime starttime When i run the same command over a ssh terminal the.. almost no time starttime microtime true exec 'echo hi' endtime microtime true time_taken endtime starttime At that point you..
adding 30 minutes to datetime php/mysql like 2009 09 17 04 10 48. I want to add 30 minutes to this endtime and compare it with current time. ie the user is allowed to..
PHP set timeout for script with system call, set_time_limit not working and lower the timeout as your script runs. For example endtime time 15 foreach url as key value timeleft endtime time if timeleft.. example endtime time 15 foreach url as key value timeleft endtime time if timeleft 0 wget wget t 1 timeout timeleft otherwgetflags.. 0 array pipe r 1 array pipe w 2 array pipe w pipes array endtime time 15 foreach url as key value wget wget otherwgetflags value..
Query time result in MySQL w/ PHP starttime microtime true Do your query and stuff here endtime microtime true duration endtime starttime calculates total time.. your query and stuff here endtime microtime true duration endtime starttime calculates total time taken This will give you the..
microtime to seconds or hours or min conversion this question basically like this echo date H i s endtime starttime endtime starttime gives the duration in seconds date.. basically like this echo date H i s endtime starttime endtime starttime gives the duration in seconds date is used to format.. math like this typed out of my head not tested duration endtime starttime hours int duration 60 60 minutes int duration 60 hours..
Calculating total quantity of equipments for a date range B schedule table scheduleid startDate endDate startTime endTime office 1 2012 08 27 2012 08 27 08 30 00 10 00 00 room1 2 2012.. and endDate are date range for a schedule startTime and endTime time range for a schedule office means that where the schedule.. when I supply eqId startDate endDate startTime and endTime... An example eqId 1 book startDate 2012 08 27 endDate 2012..
adding 30 minutes to datetime php/mysql 30 minutes to datetime php mysql I have a datetime field endTime in mysql. I use gmdate to populate this endTime field. The value.. field endTime in mysql. I use gmdate to populate this endTime field. The value stored is something like 2009 09 17 04 10 48... is allowed to do a certain task only 30 minutes within his endTime. After 30 minutes of his endTime i should not allow him to do..
“Cannot use string offset as an array” error Guide to Public Schools gd who gd when attr Array endTime 2010 01 01 startTime 2009 12 31 gd when gd transparency attr..
Adding 30 minutes to time formatted as H:i in PHP two new values startTime which is 30 mins before time and endTime which is 30 mins after time I have tried the following but just.. to work startTime date H i strtotime ' 30 minutes' time endTime date H i strtotime ' 30 minutes' time If I pass through 10 00.. pass through 10 00 as time and echo out both startTime and endTime I get startTime 00 30 startTime 01 30 php strtotime share..
Secure shared Google Calendar startTime temp 'end' date D M j Y H i s eO strtotime when endTime array_push events temp echo json_encode events Finally the..
How to get around or make PHP json_decode not alter my very large integer values? 100000000041808257 startTime 2011 12 16T13 56 15Z endTime 2011 12 16T14 48 37Z registrantsAttended 2 I'm specifically..