php Programming Glossary: encoder
Problem with json_encode() no property names are given by developer only the data the encoder uses array indexes as property names because those are the only..
PHP Encoding Error when producing XML from database [closed] table_fields FROM config table_name ### setup the XML encoder doc doc new DOMDocument doc formatOutput true doc loadXML config..
PHP Source Encryption - Effectiveness and Disadvantages obfuscation share improve this question Encryption or encoder schemes try to hide your code as an encrypted file. Obviously..
How to get opcodes of PHP? units of a script. It was written as as a beginning of an encoder but I never got the time for that. It can be used to see what..
Best PHP Encoder [closed] PHP Encoder closed How does the php encoder works Do they need any server side software installation How.. How I use them Which one from the below is best PHP encoder ioncube sourceguardian phpshield phpcipher truebug php encoder.. ioncube sourceguardian phpshield phpcipher truebug php encoder share improve this question most of the php encoder requires..
What is the best php encoder software? is the best php encoder software What is the best php encoder software http is the best php encoder software What is the best php encoder software http downloads php_encoder_software.. software http downloads php_encoder_software http showthread.php t 596680..
How can I send a ByteArray (from Flash) and some form data to php? one here http articles using the as3 jpeg encoder I want to send the jpg to the server and some data from a html..
Symfony2 create own encoder for storing password create own encoder for storing password I'm new to Symfony2 and I have maybe a.. salt . sha1 salt . raw_password I've found various encoders sha1 sha512 plaintext I saw that with plaintext I have in my.. do that in my signinAction salt substr md5 time 0 10 pwd encoder encodePassword user getPassword salt user setPassword salt...
How to programmatically login/authenticate a user? I'm working with two firewalls. The plain text encoder is just for testing. security encoders Symfony Component Security.. The plain text encoder is just for testing. security encoders Symfony Component Security Core User User plaintext Ray CentralBundle..
Migrating legacy users to symfony2 Figured it out Create a custom encoder and use FOSAdvancedEncoder bundle to select the appropriate encoder. 1. Create the encoder.. 1. Create the encoder php namespace Acme MyBundle Security Encoder use Symfony Component Security Core Encoder PasswordEncoderInterface.. Security Encoder use Symfony Component Security Core Encoder PasswordEncoderInterface class LegacyEncoder implements PasswordEncoderInterface..
How to update SimpleXMLElement using array using array I have this xml that works for Flash Encoder xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 flashmedialiveencoder_profile..
Best PHP Encoder [closed] PHP Encoder closed How does the php encoder works Do they need any server.. of using them as each have their own way e.g PHP Encoder how it works Some more encoders phc bcompiler Thicket Obfuscator..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? and decoding input and output in your application. The Encoder interface provides canonicalize string input bool strict true..
Simple Javascript encrypt, PHP decrypt with shared secret key Decode . Use the following libraries Javascript Base32 Encoder http 2010 04 nibbler PHP Base32 Decoder http..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself Pulice Date July 26th 2005 Name JPEncodeClass v1 Desc Encoder and decoder using patterns. class Protector var Pattern var..
What is the best PHP code encryptor? [closed] improve this question There is a product called PHP Encoder by ionCube which is enterprise grade compression and obfuscater... which is enterprise grade compression and obfuscater. PHP Encoder is a PHP extension to create and run compiled bytecodes for..
Symfony2 create own encoder for storing password TestBundle Service use Symfony Component Security Core Encoder PasswordEncoderInterface class Sha256Salted implements PasswordEncoderInterface.. use Symfony Component Security Core Encoder PasswordEncoderInterface class Sha256Salted implements PasswordEncoderInterface.. class Sha256Salted implements PasswordEncoderInterface public function encodePassword raw salt return hash..
How to protect my source code when deployed? improve this question You are right you can use Zend Encoder Ion Cube or something like Source Guardian to encrypt your source..