php Programming Glossary: encode
SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security SQL injection attacks happen when user input is improperly encoded. Typically the user input is some data the user sends with.. In the code you posted mysql_real_escape_string is used to encode escape user inputs. The code is therefore correct i.e. does..
Verify receipt for in App purchase transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length.. responseString release return response 0 NSString encode const uint8_t input length NSInteger length static char table.. verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString encode const uint8_t input length NSInteger length @end Note You could..
I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding charset parameter at the end to make sure that it doesn't encode them incorrectly. If you miss up on any one step through your..
Pass a PHP string to a Javascript variable (and escape newlines) variable and escape newlines What is the easiest way to encode a PHP string for output to a Javascript variable I have a PHP.. on someone else's answer script var myvar php echo json_encode myVarValue script This does require PHP 5.2.0 or greater. share..
json_encode is returning NULL? is returning NULL For some reason the item description returns.. while row mysql_fetch_assoc result rows row echo json_encode rows Here is the schema for my database CREATE TABLE `staff`.. http Any ideas php json null json encode share improve this question I bet you are retrieving data..
Create a CSV File for a user in PHP n etc Edit Here's a snippet of code I use to optionally encode CSV fields function maybeEncodeCSVField string if strpos string..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? password. When I can ™t fight it or can ™t win then I always encode the password in some way so that it at least isn ™t stored as..
Base64 Encoding Image the image needs to be Base64 Encoded so how can I base 64 encode the favicon I have I am only familiar with PHP php encoding.. element for the image data. You can use this website to encode a file use the upload field . Then just copy and paste the data.. so php im file_get_contents 'filename.gif' imdata base64_encode im Use Mozilla's guide for help on creating OpenSearch plugins...
JSON encode MySQL results encode MySQL results How do I use the JSON_encode function with mysql.. encode MySQL results How do I use the JSON_encode function with mysql query results do I need to iterate through..
Best way to transfer an array between PHP and Javascript tend to use a JSON object for this On the server side JSON encode your data json_encode data On the JavaScript side I write a.. for this On the server side JSON encode your data json_encode data On the JavaScript side I write a function that takes a..
Can I encrypt PHP source or compile it so others can't see it? and how? share improve this question You can buy Zend Guard to encode your PHP sources and then use the Zend Optimizer to run it...
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? keep compatible with existing scripts or because utf8_de encode and mb_string already existed and work. I do not know for sure.. case of PHP it is ASCII with a Codepage. That means If I encode the string using ISO 8859 15 and you decode it with some chinese..
How to remove html special chars? remove these special code chars from my string php html encode share improve this question Either decode them using html_entity_decode.. limit the chance of replacing entire sentences when an unencoded ' ' is present. Content preg_replace # a z0 9 2 8 i Content..
Storing arrays in the database to store Arrays in the database I tend to use json_encode rather than serialize but was just wondering if it is a good.. the array with a comma. php database serialization json encode denormalized share improve this question No it's a terrible..
PHP short hash like URL-shortening websites integer value like a supplementary database ID and encode that with Base64 or other encodings to have more information..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? urlencode vs rawurlencode If I want to create an URL using a variable.. urlencode vs rawurlencode If I want to create an URL using a variable I have two choices.. to create an URL using a variable I have two choices to encode the string. urlencode and rawurlencode . What exactly are the..
jQuery Multiple Forms Submit make sure that all form elements have name attributes Encode a set of form elements as a string for submission. '#send' .click..
Remove non-utf8 characters from string 1 elseif captures 2 Invalid byte of the form 10xxxxxx. Encode as 11000010 10xxxxxx. return xC2 . captures 2 else Invalid byte.. xC2 . captures 2 else Invalid byte of the form 11xxxxxx. Encode as 11000011 10xxxxxx. return xC3 .chr ord captures 3 64 preg_replace_callback..
PHP Twitter API - How to pull in multiple users tweets? q from 3acnnbrk OR from 3anpratc The query is URLEncoded so use Fiddler Tools Text Encode Decode or your favorite tool.. 3anpratc The query is URLEncoded so use Fiddler Tools Text Encode Decode or your favorite tool to see that the correct format..
Un-encrypting / re-encrypting a ColdFusion encrypted string in PHP data return substr data 0 1 pad Encrypt in PHP function Encode data encKey encIv format 'uu' pad 16 StrLen data 16 if pad 0.. return Bin2Hex data else if format 'base64' return Base64_Encode data else if format 'url' return UrlEncode data Decrypt in.. return Base64_Encode data else if format 'url' return UrlEncode data Decrypt in CF Decrypt data encKey 'AES CBC PKCS5Padding'..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself php Author Jonathan Pulice Date July 26th 2005 Name JPEncodeClass v1 Desc Encoder and decoder using patterns. class Protector.. Pulice Date July 26th 2005 Name JPEncodeClass v1 Desc Encoder and decoder using patterns. class Protector var Pattern var.. class Protector var Pattern var PatternFlip var ToEncode var ToDecode var Decoded var Encoded var Bug false var DecodePattern..
How do I HTML Encode all the output in a web application? do I HTML Encode all the output in a web application I want to prevent XSS attacks..
How to generate HMAC-SHA1 in C#? ConsoleApplication1 class Program public static string Encode string input byte key HMACSHA1 myhmacsha1 new HMACSHA1 key.. had a little lamb input s System.Console.WriteLine Encode input key return which prints 3545e064fb59bc4bfc02b6e1c3d4925c898aa504..
Send data from android to server via JSON ArrayList NameValuePair data 1 Connect via HTTP. 2 Encode data. 3 Send data. try HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient.. AddAccelerationData.php httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity data HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost..
How to avoid echoing character 65279 in php? (This question also relates to Javascript xmlhttp.responseText (ajax)) another text editor such as Notepad and use the encoding Encode in UTF 8 without BOM and this seems to fix the problem. Also..
Send array with Ajax to PHP script php javascript jquery ajax share improve this question Encode your data string into JSON. dataString array var jsonString..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable dlls etc. The php code is encoded using the Turck MMCache Encode library so it's a perfect solution if you want to distribute..