php Programming Glossary: enforce
Type casting for user defined objects time types are valid for a variable so it doesn't try to enforce it. You don't specify the type explicitly as in Java either...
PDO bindParam vs. execute even if integer value is provided . So if you need to enforce data types you should always use bindValue or bindParam . I..
Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed] Write for a specific version or two of the PDF spec and enforce it. Check the version number and if it's higher than you expect..
Is Symfony a good framework to learn? frameworks Propel and Doctrine are both supported but not enforced. The creator can choose to use whatever they want as an ORM... After Symfony I ended up writing a very small framework to enforce a MVC pattern. I liked this much better as I could evolve the..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? an entire application because they lack a mechanism to enforce that all access to a database within the application uses safe.. separated from the rest of your program it becomes easy to enforce or audit that every query correctly uses parameterization. In..
PHP and C++ for UTF-8 code unit in reverse order in Chinese character output the string as little endian by default. You can enforce big endianness by using UTF 16BE instead. That or the exact..
How to prevent PHP sessions being shared between different apache vhosts? or get more privileges. This works because PHP doesn't enforce what session IDs belongs to what site. I know this because I've..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP over the given period of time is over your limit either enforce throttling or force all user's to use a captcha i.e. reCaptcha..
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption etc. Giving you rights to audit their site so you can enforce the licenses. What happens if they violate the EULA e.g. they..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming.. more interested in knowing what kinds of patterns I could enforce on the code to make it easier to translate ie IoC SOA the code..
explain $CI =& get_instance(); deeper check out the source code So basically it doesn't enforce the singleton but it's a shortcut to a public function... Edit..
Tracking the script execution time in PHP amount of CPU time that a particular script has used to enforce the max_execution_time limit . Is there a way to get access..
A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available? [closed] traffic overhead. Field validation on the server side to enforce validation rules and prevent tempering with the form through..
How should a model be structured in MVC? clear separation has few additional benefits it helps to enforce the single responsibility principle SRP provides additional..
Custom Exception Messages: Best practices But this doesn't supply much debugging info... and doesn't enforce any kind of formatting with the error message. So you could..
Problem with auto-incremented “id” column cause problems ALTER table AUTO_INCREMENT 12345 EDIT To enforce your foreign key relationships as described in the comments..
Facebook cookie and oauth 2.0 changes work for me until the other day when facebook decided to enforce some changes. function get_facebook_cookie app_id ' MyAppID..
how to use Smarty better with PHP? Better PHP programmers realized that they needed a way to enforce separation between presentation and application logic and templates..