php Programming Glossary: controller.php
global variables in php not working as expected explaining this screen From model.php require controller.php From model.php initSession From controller.php global screen.. require controller.php From model.php initSession From controller.php global screen From echo screen prints
joomla component development with Ajax queries view ajax format raw or you can to create new method in controller.php with exit after print information and url will be index.php..
500 - An error has occurred! DB function reports no errors when adding new article in Joomla! if row check on administrator components com_content controller.php around line 693 Array title Test. state 0 alias test frontpage..
how to use Jquery AJAX in Joomla Components? htdocs Joomla administrator component com_test test.php controller.php models test.php controllers test.php views test view.html.php..
PHP include best practices question i have all the info i need just by including config.php controller.php require '.. config.php' include DIR_MDLS . 'model.php' model..
How to call farbtastic (color picker) .farbtastic '#color' new color form form action controller.php method post class popupform id form_changecolor div id colorpicker.. .farbtastic '#color' new color form form action controller.php method post class popupform id form_changecolor div id colorpicker..
What is a Front Controller and how is it implemented in PHP? controller .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule . front controller.php L front controller.php php if _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' help'.. On RewriteRule . front controller.php L front controller.php php if _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' help' include 'help.php' elseif..