php Programming Glossary: contrast
PHP Retrieve minimum and maximum values in a 2D associative array loops max minimum share improve this question In contrast to what others have posted you cannot use the min max functions..
phpseclib or ssh2 pecl extension to work with the latest version of another phpseclib in contrast doesn't require much of anything other than PHP. It'll use mcrypt..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? It has rigid grammar rules not unlike Oxford English. In contrast to humans it however chokes on smmall typinng mistakez and won't..
PHP Localization Question good clean and modern solution to internationalization in contrast to the chaos that is gettext. The introduction to Zend_translate..
Good way to identify similar images? immune to resizes and fairly resistant to brightness and contrast changes. php image gd computer vision content based retrieval..
What's the difference between :: (double colon) and -> (arrow) in PHP? only used to assign data within an array Is this in contrast to the assignment operator which is used to instantiate or modify..
What is the difference between session_unset() and session_destroy() in PHP? but not the session data in the session storage. In contrast to that session_destroy destroys the session data that is stored..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise into memory and results in disk and CPU usage spikes. In contrast consider the following bash snippet ls 1 zip @ dd of dev somewhere..
Autoload classes from different folders through each of them in the order they are defined. By contrast __autoload may only be defined once. share improve this answer..
Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code? from system information has been removed from the code contrast with the PHP 5.3 source so this behavior no longer exists. Running..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo e e ... e is a simple statement like break or return . In contrast print e is an expression. Therefore like any other statement..
Natural sorting algorithm in PHP with support for Unicode? be sorted as it was in fact AE DIN 5007 2 . In Swedish in contrast comes at the end of the alphabet. If you don't use Windows you're..