php Programming Glossary: content_type
Make mp3 seekable PHP file_location @param String file_name @param Header String content_type @param Bool force_download @return content function stream file_location.. content function stream file_location file_name null content_type application force download force_download false if file_name.. Length '. file_size headers header 'Content Type '. content_type Force download if force_download true header 'Content Disposition..
Twitter API 1.1 issues [duplicate] 1.1 statuses user_timeline.json screen_name ActiveSoton content_type http_code 0 header_size 0 request_size 0 filetime 1 ssl_verify_result..
PHP extension library accessing PHP superglobals char path_translated char request_uri const char content_type zend_bool headers_only zend_bool no_headers zend_bool headers_read.. zend_bool headers_read sapi_post_entry post_entry char content_type_dup for HTTP authentication char auth_user char auth_password.. time_t global_request_time HashTable known_post_content_types sapi_globals_struct Then use SG request_info .request_uri or..
PHP: Convert curl_exec output to UTF8 curl_exec ch if is_string data return data unset charset content_type curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE 1 HTTP Content Type header.. 1 HTTP Content Type header preg_match '@ w s charset S @i' content_type matches if isset matches 3 charset matches 3 2 meta element.. encoding 5 Default for HTML if isset charset if strstr content_type text html 0 charset ISO 8859 1 Convert it if it is anything..
Access Exchange Web Services with PHP and cURL ... wsdl definitions 1 Array url xxxxx EWS Services.wsdl content_type text xml http_code 200 header_size 250 request_size 147 filetime..
POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking codes status '' function sendResponse status 200 body '' content_type 'text html' status_header 'HTTP 1.1 ' . status . ' ' . getStatusCodeMessage.. status header status_header header 'Content type ' . content_type echo body if empty _FILES isset _POST name name _POST name..