php Programming Glossary: content_length
Is there a good implementation of partial file downloading in PHP? More than one range is requested. compute content length content_length 0 foreach ranges as range set_range range filesize first last.. ranges as range set_range range filesize first last content_length strlen r n boundary r n content_length strlen Content type application.. filesize first last content_length strlen r n boundary r n content_length strlen Content type application pdf r n content_length strlen..
PHP extension library accessing PHP superglobals char post_data raw_post_data char cookie_data long content_length uint post_data_length raw_post_data_length char path_translated..
PHP: Remote file size without downloading file data curl_exec curl curl_close curl if data content_length unknown status unknown if preg_match ^HTTP 1 . 01 d d d data.. int matches 1 if preg_match Content Length d data matches content_length int matches 1 http wiki List_of_HTTP_status_codes.. if status 200 status 300 status 308 result content_length return result Usage file_size curl_get_file_size http
Forced downloading large file with php filename . basename file_path . header Content Length . content_length header Content Transfer Encoding binary header 'Cache Control..
Valum php AJAX Upload: Store File Name and Path into mySQL database return _GET 'qqfile' function getSize if isset _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH return int _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH else throw new Exception.. if isset _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH return int _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH else throw new Exception 'Getting content length is not supported.'..
$_SERVER[“CONTENT_LENGTH”] returning zero when uploading a file using XmlHttpRequest _SERVER &ldquo CONTENT_LENGTH&rdquo returning zero when uploading a file using XmlHttpRequest.. traced the cause of the error down to the property _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH returning 0 even though I can get the filename just fine and.. return _GET 'qqfile' function getSize if isset _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH return int _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH THIS is returning 0 else..
Using php://input and file_put_contents stream_copy_to_stream input temp if realsize _SERVER CONTENT_LENGTH file_put_contents 'image.jpg' temp And that doesn't work. The..
How to detect if a user uploaded a file larger than post_max_size? and can get clues as to what happened i.e. CONTENT_TYPE CONTENT_LENGTH and REQUEST_METHOD . It does however seem very problematic to.. wait for the upload to fail. As an aside checking _SERVER 'CONTENT_LENGTH' vs the size of the post and file data might help detect if..