php Programming Glossary: containing
Cross domain cookies to the other site a digitally signed parameter is passed containing the identity and session status. It's really quite complicated...
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? of 22 characters. Validation Once you have fetched the row containing the user information you validate the password in this manner..
How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions? PDO has a much easier concept here a connection string containing the most information mysql host dbname people charset..
What is the right way to handle $_POST data in MVC? PHP system the Controller receive a request from the View containing _POST data. Now I have three ways to handle the data a The Controller..
“Keep Me Logged In” - the best approach in' 2 Create session 3 Create a cookie called SOMETHING containing md5 salt username ip salt and a cookie called somethingElse.. salt username ip salt and a cookie called somethingElse containing id 4 store cookie in database 5 user does stuff and leaves 6..
Regexp to add attribute in any xml tags childNode process_recursive xml echo xml asXML All answers containing regular expressions will break this valid xml for example xml..
How to remove “index.php” in codeigniter's path Apache place a .htaccess file in your root web directory containing the following RewriteEngine on RewriteCond 1 ^ index .php Javascript..
PHP namespace simplexml problems guys. Firstly to say I have read How do I parse XML containing custom namespaces using SimpleXML . I'm parsing an XML document..
Add number of days to a date strtotime 30 days strtotime expects to be given a string containing a US English date format and will try to parse that format into..
How can I convert a series of parent-child relationships into a hierarchical tree? that I want is a nested set of ul elements with each li containing the child's name. There are no inconsistencies in the pairings.. can probably be made. How in PHP would I go from an array containing child parent pairs to a set of Nested ul s I have a feeling..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? such a run once sequence. Would it be done when the file containing the class is loaded when the property is first accessed or when..
How to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags? only fetches those elements that actually are textnodes containing http or https or ftp and that are not themselves textnodes of..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? Select FROM articles where id '10' and returns the row containing the columns id title content to the controller And then use..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages and more recently with desktop publishing..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result ORDER BY ordering LIMIT 0 100' Get an array containing the results. Loop for each item in that array while row connector..
Ignore html tags in preg_replace '. search.' ..' search contains the text to search for not containing any quote character this would break it see Cleaning sanitizing..
Convert seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds seconds into hours minutes and seconds and return an array containing those values @param integer inputSeconds Number of seconds to..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable to compile PHP scripts into .NET assemblies logical units containing CIL code and meta data. Bambalam http bamcompile..