php Programming Glossary: audio
Utility of HTTP header “Content-Type: application/force-download” for mobile? script that allows you to download media contents video audio pictures... from your mobile device by accessing a link. i.e... Samsung C3050. The media I wanted to download was just an audio mp3 file that I usually download easily. The error appears to.. correct mime type for whatever media you are using e.g. audio mpeg for mp3 . Use the Content Disposition attachment etc etc..
Can I serve MP3 files with PHP? in CAPTACHAS and such is it possible to do the same with audio files I've tried this php track sometrack.mp3 if file_exists.. sometrack.mp3 if file_exists track header 'Content type audio mpeg' header 'Content length ' . filesize track header 'Content.. Content Transfer Encoding binary header Content Type audio mpeg audio x mpeg audio x mpeg 3 audio mpeg3 share improve..
Is it possible to protect from downloading a video from a site end the data stream must become analog video and analog audio a.k.a. light and sound somewhere. However if you don't care..
PHP how can i check if a file is mp3 or image file? using getimagesize . To find out more about MP3 and other audio video files I have been recommended php mp4info getID3 . share..
Get mime type of external file using cURL and php if the type is MP3 or not. i think the mime type of MP3 is audio mpeg Briefly i know that but i don't know how to apply it Thanks..
Get the length of an audio file php the length of an audio file php How I can get the length of an audio file in php... of an audio file php How I can get the length of an audio file in php. If it's too hard to do in php then any other way.. to do in php then any other way should work alright. php audio share improve this question What kind of audio file mp3..
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP password curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL 'ftp audio '. strFileName curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_UPLOAD 1 curl_setopt ch..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP Using PHP Is it possible to pull track info from an audio stream using PHP I've done some digging and the closest function.. to pull artist and track metadata from an AOL stream. php audio streaming share improve this question This is a SHOUTcast..
How to implement Content-Disposition: attachment? a download.php php file _GET 'file' header 'Content type audio mpeg' header 'Content Disposition attachment filename '. file.'..
How do I pass data between pages in PHP? t _POST six n message . No CMS t _POST seven n message . Audio or Video t _POST eight n message . Flash Intro t _POST nine..
FFMPEG unable to take frame and save as image 'path' kindly check it. See FFmpeg The ultimate Video and Audio Manipulation Tool and FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide for more..
Setting up apache to serve PHP when an MP3 file is requested it as the source in an audio tag like this html head title Audio Tag Experiment title head body audio id 'audio element' src..
Is there an easy way to read filenames in a directory and add to an array? in a directory and add to an array I have a directory Audio and in that will be mp3 files only. I'm wanting to automate.. the .mp3 tag. Any ideas To elaborate I actual have several Audio folders and each folder contains mp3s of a different event... That's why I'm duplicating code because right now in each Audio folder I'm having to define the filenames for the download links..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP Is it possible to pull track info from an..
HTML5 Audio Streaming Audio Streaming There has been some talk of this around stackoverflow..