php Programming Glossary: authenticating
Facebook PHP SDK Throwing an Uncatchable OAuthException that exception. I get some other exceptions regarding authenticating a user maybe with old stale sessions whatever . My question..
Secure login with proper authentication in PHP how modern authentication works. The naive method of authenticating a user is to store their password in a database and compare..
Alternative authentication sources in CakePHP (LDAP) as stated in api get the cake model you would normally be authenticating against model this getModel default is User check for existing..
Active Directory Lookup via PHP that you cannot search the Active Directory tree without authenticating with an existing and authorized user first. To enable anonymous..
PHP form token usage and handling that again is handled for you. You are responsible for authenticating the user and storing their authenticated identity e.g. _SESSION..
Restrict content access to logged in users with PHP also be able to logout. I am using php to do the job of authenticating with mysql and create sessions. This works great. But images..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? Location url exit function checkid realm attributes try authenticating code isset _GET code _GET code false if code user has not authenticated..
PHP Site Scraping With a Secure Login login form the server will send you a cookie to be used in authenticating you on subsequent requests. This cookie will be part of the..
Authenticating user using LDAP from PHP to bind and LDAP account password ldap_bind if you're authenticating against an Active Directory server you can directly use the.. I'd propose to use some sort of standard library for authenticating against a LDAP server such as the Net_LDAP2 PEAR package or..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials Client ID and choose Installed Application as you will be authenticating you server as you not as your user Either using a console app.. until it expires and then can be refreshed. As you are authenticating your application as yourself not as a user this AuthorisationState..
Facebook getLoginUrl and next parameter doesn't work properly all you don't have to edit PHP SDK below is the sample for authenticating the user and then redirecting to your landing page Make sure..
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication? PHP Client API . There is extensive documentation on authenticating web applications with an end user. Google's documentation suggests..
Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory I'm looking for..
Authenticating user using LDAP from PHP user using LDAP from PHP Hi my project is to make an module..
Authenticating a FACEBOOK Application - PHP a FACEBOOK Application PHP i need to authenticate before posting..
Automatic Soundcloud PHP Api authentication without user interaction same thing but according to the soundcloud's api check the Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen paragraph this example..
Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP your application it is best to understand the flow of Authenticating a user and getting your App installed on their Facebook Account... look at the diagram below to understand how the flow works Authenticating a User To Initiate the process of Authenticate you will have.. See http docs reference api status Authenticating User's who have Already Accepted your App After a user has already..