php Programming Glossary: auth
cURL equivalent in JAVA equivalent in JAVA I am tasked with writing an authentication component for an open source JAVA app. We have an.. component for an open source JAVA app. We have an in house authentication widget that uses https. I have some example php code.. in JAVA cp curl_init my_url https . AUTH_SERVER . auth authenticate.asp pt1 uname pt2 pass pt4 full curl_setopt cp..
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices check is global to your application. controllers array 'auth' 'index' 'news' 'admin' foreach roles as role acl addRole new.. Plugin Abstract class which allows it to be hooked into auth login the logic is basically if the login fails it redirects.... if the user is allowed to view this resource. identity auth getIdentity frontController registerPlugin new AuthPlugin Question..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter I see there are a few . Which.. easy to use What are their pros and cons php codeigniter authentication share improve this question Update May 14 2010.. up the gauntlet after reading this and created a new auth library for CI based on DX Auth following the recommendations..
C2DM implementation PHP code there is a problem regarding this that how to get client auth token. I have seen the http android c2dm index.html#server.. service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id'.. if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id' get an authorization..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved This class therefore provides key rotation for cipher and auth keys. IMPORTANT NOTE the rounds parameter is configured for.. THEN MAC which is a far better method for ensuring the authenticity of the encrypted data. Encryption It uses mcrypt to..
How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail? alternatives PEAR Mail phpMailer They both support SMTP auth under SSL. You'll need to activate the php_openssl extension..
PHP curl post to login to Wordpress but also set the session keys required for wordpress authentication. This process will involve digging through a lot of.. and hard coding values try to simply integrate wordpress's authentication mechanism into your application's login mechanism... and you're determined to not try to mesh your session auth mechanism with that of wordpress then you could immediately..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials since it can only be used for requests that don't require authorization and OAuth doesn't seem right either because users are.. to make it happen in the v3 API. Can anyone help me php authentication oauth google api google calendar share improve this.. in the v3 API. Can anyone help me php authentication oauth google api google calendar share improve this question You..
Example usage of AX in PHP OpenID accounts o8 id' Includes required files require_once Auth OpenID Consumer.php require_once Auth OpenID FileStore.php require_once.. files require_once Auth OpenID Consumer.php require_once Auth OpenID FileStore.php require_once Auth OpenID AX.php Starts.. require_once Auth OpenID FileStore.php require_once Auth OpenID AX.php Starts session needed for YADIS session_start..
Sending email with PHP from SMTP server are sending an e mail through a server that requires SMTP Auth you really need to specify it and set the host username and.. 0 enables SMTP debug information for testing mail SMTPAuth true enable SMTP authentication mail Port 25 set the SMTP..
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices Zend_ACL Zend_Auth implementation and best practices Context My questions pertain.. I store whole ACL definition to registry for use in AuthPlugin plugin. registry Zend_Registry getInstance registry set.. auth getIdentity frontController registerPlugin new AuthPlugin Question #2 How exactly would I code the auth plugin part..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? this and created a new auth library for CI based on DX Auth following the recommendations and requirements below. And the.. and requirements below. And the resulting Tank Auth is looking like the answer to the OP's question. I'm going to.. question. I'm going to go out on a limb here and call Tank Auth the best authentication library for CodeIgniter available today...
Facebook Graph API, how to get users email? passing scope email in the get string of your call to the Auth Dialog. I'd recommend using an SDK instead of file_get_contents..
PHP_AUTH_USER not set? question There is a 'sensible way' to use HTTP Basic Auth in CGI mode PHP in the .htaccess use RewriteRule . E HTTP_AUTHORIZATION.. the .htaccess use RewriteRule . E HTTP_AUTHORIZATION HTTP Authorization and in the PHP use list _SERVER 'PHP_AUTH_USER' _SERVER..
C2DM implementation PHP code To register your own server system and obtain the Authorise Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate.. Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate username password source Company AppName Version service.. OK' false return false find the auth code preg_match Auth w response matches if matches 2 return false _SESSION 'google_auth_id'..
Unique IPs in a voting system number The Close Enough For Reality Email 3rd Party Auth user registers an account with an email address and password..