php Programming Glossary: author
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from..
PHP <<<EOB non digit character or underscore. So EOB is just what the author chose as his delimiter not really sure what it stands for in..
How to convert IPv6 from binary for storage in MySQL the other questions related to this such as this one . The author of that question eventually chose for two BIGINT fields. My..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? we're dealing with books and we want to get books by author. The BookDataMapper could have a generic get method that accepts.. accepts condition s such as the book's unique identifier author name etc. This implementation is fairly trivial logically but.. Lets say we want to get all book written by a certain author under a specific publisher. We could expand the BookDataMapper..
Getting Started with PHP Extension-Development to read it yet though the first pages seem OK... BTW the author of that book is also the author of the first four articles I.. pages seem OK... BTW the author of that book is also the author of the first four articles I linked to share improve this..
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? because I have so much more of it. br Mark Twain American author Playwright p div a id newquote class button href # title Gimme..
How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP? it some time ago and it's an interesting read BTW the author of that book is also the author of the first four articles I.. interesting read BTW the author of that book is also the author of the first four articles I linked to Hope this help... Have..
What is the best way to validate a credit card in PHP? public domain however please give credit to the original author where possible. function luhn_check number Strip any non digits..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] security share improve this question Chris Shiflett is author of Essential PHP Security book. This is really good book on.. Cross Site scripting SQL Injection Other article of that author with one session Good article on SQL injection Discusses quotes..
PHP & MYSQL: How to resolve ambiguous column names in JOIN operation? database NEWS 'id' the news id 'user' the user id of the author USERS 'id' the user id I want to make a SELECT FROM news JOIN..
php sentence boundaries detection T.V.A. is a big project The essential regex solution The author of the question commented that the above solution overlooks..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? This should be of most interest because it is by the author of PHPUnit and explains the difficulties with actual examples..
How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0? now PHP SDK 3.x without any problem. Naitik the class author removed the getSession function and now if you want to know..
Website screenshots using PHP that Html2Canvas and here is an implementation by the same author to get a feedback like G . Once you have rendered the dom into..
How to post JSON to PHP with curl null body null dataUrl null dataMedium null createdOn null author null php rest post share improve this question Jordans..
Get xpath location of element in iframe(iframe from my domain) content type content text html charset utf 8 meta name author content Webarto title AdriaMart title script src http
PHP MySQL Google Chart JSON - Complete Example Chart Example php Script PHP PDO JSON mysql googlechart Author Enam Hossain version 1.0 Usage Requirements PHP Apache.. Chart Example php Script PHP JSON MySQLi GoogleChart Author Enam Hossain version 1.0 Usage Requirements PHP Apache..
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? a 13614297 1287812 Version 2013.10.25 Author Rodolfo Buaiz Author URI http users.. a 13614297 1287812 Version 2013.10.25 Author Rodolfo Buaiz Author URI http users 12615 brasofilo License..
Get the number of pages in a PDF document returned by running it on a PDF document Title test1.pdf Author John Smith Creator PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer Acrobat..
PHP - Processing Invalid XML I can't use the CDATA idea. An example of the XML being Author v By Someone Someone Whats the best way to process this to replace..
Object could not be converted to string? function __construct this date new Date this author new Author After changing line 79 to this query INSERT INTO cards VALUES.. I now get this error Catchable fatal error Object of class Author could not be converted to string in f5 debate public Card.php..
SimpleXML get element content based on attribute value [duplicate] the following XML setup DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item Name Author Type String Nguyen T Item Item Name Title Type String Hemoptysis.. a case report. Item DocSum DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item Name Author Type String Oliveira GC Item Item Name Title Type String Disclosing.. profiling. Item DocSum DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item Name Author Type String Vanderwall DE Item Item Name Title Type String Metformin..
Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit (on abstract classes) you don't give it a second thought. To quote the PHPUnit Author So Just because the testing of protected and private attributes..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself decoding. here goes my plugin FIle encode.class.php php Author Jonathan Pulice Date July 26th 2005 Name JPEncodeClass v1 Desc..
CodeIgniter — Best implementation for ACL [closed] Create a library Here is what we're working with Articles Authors There are two types of author Normal author can only see his.. of author Normal author can only see his own articles . Author that is also an admin can see all articles and approves other..
How to send html table in email body in php? output ' html body form ' output . ' table border 1 tr th Author th th Node Title th th Node Summary th th Node Body th th Edit..
WordPress Plugin: How do I avoid “tight coupling”? mine Version 1.2 beta 2 Stable tag 1.1 Min WP Version 2.9 Author hakre Author URI http Donate link http 1.2 beta 2 Stable tag 1.1 Min WP Version 2.9 Author hakre Author URI http Donate link http