php Programming Glossary: atan2
Measuring the distance between two coordinates in PHP latFrom sin latTo cos latFrom cos latTo cos lonDelta angle atan2 sqrt a b return angle earthRadius share improve this answer..
PHP Sorting nearest coordinates 2 cos latToCompare cos request_lat pow sin dlong 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt a sqrt 1 a return 6373 c and the user currently gets the..
PHP GD how to draw text over a line line angle delta_x x2 x1 delta_y y2 y1 texangle rad2deg atan2 delta_y delta_x 180 M_PI 360 eof finding the line angle imageline.. Ok been playing around. Try replacing texangle rad2deg atan2 delta_y delta_x 180 M_PI 360 With texangle atan2 delta_y delta_x.. rad2deg atan2 delta_y delta_x 180 M_PI 360 With texangle atan2 delta_y delta_x 180 M_PI 360 Output with your values Output..
php mysql compare long and lat, return ones under 10 miles 2 sin dlat 2 cos lat1 cos lat2 sin dlng 2 sin dlng 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt a sqrt 1 a km r c return floor km 0.621371192 This one..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) points cosSigma sinU1 sinU2 cosU1 cosU2 cosLambda sigma atan2 sinSigma cosSigma alpha asin cosU1 cosU2 sinLambda sinSigma..