php Programming Glossary: australia
Search Multidimensional Array in PHP for the string 'uk' array 43 0 array 1 country string 9 Australia 1 array 1 country string 7 Bahrain 2 array 1 country string..
GeoLocation API North America AO Africa AQ Antarctica AR South America AS Australia AT Europe AU Australia AW North America AZ Asia BA Europe BB.. AQ Antarctica AR South America AS Australia AT Europe AU Australia AW North America AZ Asia BA Europe BB North America BD Asia.. Asia CD Africa CF Africa CG Africa CH Europe CI Africa CK Australia CL South America CM Africa CN Asia CO South America CR North..
How to tell if a timezone observes daylight saving at any time of the year? at any time in that timezone Edit to clarify Brisbane Australia does not observe daylight savings at any time of the year. All.. any time of the year. All year around it is GMT 10. Sydney Australia does from October to March when it changes from GMT 10 to GMT.. to implement a method which works as such timezoneDoesDST 'Australia Brisbane' false timezoneDoesDST 'Australia Sydney' true php..
Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP Time option option value 8 UTC 8 Chinese Standard Time Australian Western Standard Time Irkutsk Standard Time option option value.. option option value 8.75 UTC 8 45 Southeastern Western Australia Standard Time option option value 9 UTC 9 Japan Standard Time.. Time Chita Standard Time option option value 9.5 UTC 9 30 Australian Central Standard Time option option value 10 UTC 10 Australian..
Programmatically access currency exchange rates [closed] I'm setting up an online ordering system but I'm in Australia and for international customers I'd like to show prices in US.. they don't have to make the mental effort to convert from Australian dollars. Does anyone know if I can pull up to date exchange..
How to parse SOAP response without SoapClient iadult 0 iadult sname The Ashes 5th Test England v Australia Day 1 sname sawdeeplink http pclick.php p 113133802.. iadult 0 iadult sname The Ashes 1st Test England v Australia Day 1 sname sawdeeplink http pclick.php p 113133791..
Get current date and time in PHP the date or time functions are called to. I'm in Melbourne Australia so I have something like this date_default_timezone_set 'Australia.. so I have something like this date_default_timezone_set 'Australia Melbourne' Or another example is LA US date_default_timezone_set.. the line below to your timezone date_default_timezone_set 'Australia Melbourne' date date 'm d Y h i s a' time Then all the times..
Best way to handle storing/displaying dates in different timezones in PHP? If I registered my account in New York but travelling to Australia I want to see the times as per the Australian time zone. In.. travelling to Australia I want to see the times as per the Australian time zone. In fact using JavaScript you use can easily adjust..
how to convert php date formats to GMT and vice versa? from a timezone to GMT melbourne new DateTimeZone 'Australia Melbourne' gmt new DateTimeZone 'GMT' date new DateTime '2011.. 1pm on Christmas Eve GMT. echo ' br ' Convert it back to Australia Melbourne date setTimezone melbourne echo date format 'Y m d..