php Programming Glossary: atlantic
Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP 4 30 Venezuelan Standard Time option option value 4 UTC 4 Atlantic Standard Time option option value 3.5 UTC 3 30 Newfoundland.. value America La_Paz GMT 04 00 La Paz option option value Atlantic Stanley GMT 04 00 Faukland Islands option option value America.. 00 Brazil option option value America Goose_Bay GMT 04 00 Atlantic Time Goose Bay option option value America Glace_Bay GMT 04..
How to find GMT date/time by country name? listIdentifiers DateTimeZone PER_COUNTRY PT gives Array 0 Atlantic Azores 1 Atlantic Madeira 2 Europe Lisbon You can then do d.. PER_COUNTRY PT gives Array 0 Atlantic Azores 1 Atlantic Madeira 2 Europe Lisbon You can then do d new DateTime now new.. Lisbon You can then do d new DateTime now new DateTimeZone Atlantic Azores echo d format DateTime W3C 2010 08 14T15 22 22 00 00..
PHP Timezone List DateTimeZone ANTARCTICA 'Aisa' DateTimeZone ASIA 'Atlantic' DateTimeZone ATLANTIC 'Europe' DateTimeZone EUROPE 'Indian'.. GMT 05 00 Lima 'America Caracas' GMT 04 30 Caracas 'Canada Atlantic' GMT 04 00 Atlantic Time Canada 'America La_Paz' GMT 04 00 La.. Caracas' GMT 04 30 Caracas 'Canada Atlantic' GMT 04 00 Atlantic Time Canada 'America La_Paz' GMT 04 00 La Paz 'America Santiago'..
How to check is timezone identifier valid from code? 27 Asia Thimbu 28 Asia Ujung_Pandang 29 Asia Ulan_Bator 30 Atlantic Faeroe 31 Atlantic Jan_Mayen 32 Australia ACT 33 Australia Canberra.. Ujung_Pandang 29 Asia Ulan_Bator 30 Atlantic Faeroe 31 Atlantic Jan_Mayen 32 Australia ACT 33 Australia Canberra 34 Australia.. 45 Brazil East 46 Brazil West 47 CET 48 CST6CDT 49 Canada Atlantic 50 Canada Central 51 Canada East Saskatchewan 52 Canada Eastern..