php Programming Glossary: attaching
Is there any way to check the performance of mysql Indexing the performance of my query Thank you EDIT Here i am attaching my test servers EXPLAIN result. In test server there are only..
HTML5 audio element with dynamic source Copied from your duplicate question For starters you are attaching a new event handler every single time the element is clicked...
Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate] I believe the REST API is the only API which supports attaching images but the documentation is pretty poor and the php sdk..
Is file_exist() in PHP a very expensive operation? database as a BLOB. Put it in its own table rather than attaching it as a column to the user table. This has the benefit that..
How to run a shell command through PHP code? Rank of any of the keyword and Domain given to it. I am attaching the code please suggest me any solution to it because when I..
What is the “?” symbol in URL used for in php? sensitive data at least produce some kind of hash before attaching it to the querystring this prevents users to edit it or understanding..
Compiling an AST back to source code it can parse including PHP Java C# etc. . Instead of attaching the box computations to AST nodes via visitors we attach the..
DOMPDF - attach created PDF to email to the SMTP system that forces you to do ALL the work of attaching a file yourself. I strongly suggest using PHPMailer or Swiftmailer..