php Programming Glossary: asxml
Regexp to add attribute in any xml tags process_recursive childNode process_recursive xml echo xml asXML All answers containing regular expressions will break this valid..
How to convert array to SimpleXML test_array array xml 'addChild' print xml asXML results in xml version 1.0 root blub bla blub bar foo bar overflow..
PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA SimpleXMLElement xml_string echo 'CDATA retained ' person asXML person new SimpleXMLElement xml_string LIBXML_NOCDATA echo 'CDATA.. xml_string LIBXML_NOCDATA echo 'CDATA merged ' person asXML If the XML document you're parsing contains a CDATA section..
Replacing image src in HTML tags? 'src' http x.y a . imgNode getAttribute 'src' echo xml asXML Note that you will need something like DOMDocument loadHtml..
Using SimpleXML to create an XML object from scratch 'latest' Header 'Content type text xml' echo newsXML asXML Output xml version 1.0 news newsPagePrefix value goes here content..
PHP SimpleXML get innerXML em . If I have the answer as a SimpleXMLElement I can call asXML to get answer Who who strong who who strong em me em answer.. childNodes to build the XML. The other would be to call asXML then use string functions to remove the root node. Attention.. string functions to remove the root node. Attention though asXML may sometimes return markup that is actually outside of the..
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node?
edit XML with simpleXML
Change XML node element value in PHP and save file story dom parentNode removeChild dom xml asXML 'test.xml' header Location newfile.php php xml dom share.. @id '4c05085e1cd4f' as t t name 'LALALA' echo testimonials asXML testimonials asXML 'test.xml' prints xml version 1.0 testimonials.. as t t name 'LALALA' echo testimonials asXML testimonials asXML 'test.xml' prints xml version 1.0 testimonials testimonial id..
How can I set text value of SimpleXmlElement without using its parent? '.' 'test' just adds another child with name . echo args asXML it outputs PHP Warning main Cannot add element c number 2 when..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position insert target Peek at the new XML echo sxe asXML If you want need an explanation of how this works the code is..
How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file unset config setting1 config setting2 NULL echo config asXML unlink 'config.xml' Please refer to the PHP manual for further..
PHP simpleXML how to save the file in a formatted way? name blah name class blah class area blah area I am using asXML function. Thanks. php formatting simplexml share improve..
Unable add namespace with PHPs SimpleXML 'http 2001 XMLSchema instance' echo node asXml prints xml version 1.0 root xmlns i http 2001 XMLSchema..
Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP seg dom parentNode removeChild dom echo doc asXml outputs xml version 1.0 data seg id A1 seg id A5 seg id A29..
How to save changed SimpleXML object back to file? 'bar' Saving the whole modified XML to a new filename root asXml 'updated.xml' Save only the modified node root a asXml 'only..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file 'config.xml' echo config setting1 echo config asXml UPDATE config setting1 'new value' config setting2 'setting2.. 'new value' config setting2 'setting2 value' echo config asXml DELETE unset config setting1 config setting2 NULL echo config..
Show the differences between 2 xml files (with php) ' products product s ' query as product echo product asXml Note that this will not find any product elements that have..