php Programming Glossary: aswell
It is possible to insert data in two different table in mysql by one insert query php? [duplicate] aren't that exhausting for the database so you might aswell just insert twice. Basicly MySQL doesn't allow this. sql insert..
logic behind pagination like google it an easy operation... I would like to make it flexible aswell. Meaning I would like to be able to change the number of wanted..
How do i run PHP inside CSS you seem to have php shorttags already enabled you might aswell use instead of using echo var Use var share improve this answer..
PHP Application URL Routing applications in PHP would be. Feel free to suggest methods aswell as voting any I add. If It's someone elses method I end up using..
is there a facility for generating scaffolding in a Symfony2 app? themselfes can be created with another command interactive aswell. app console generate doctrine entity Generating entities from..
Problems with lib-icu dependency when installing Symfony 2.3.x via Composer extension is enabled and properly configured in php.ini aswell. hint php cli sometimes uses a different php.ini php.ini extension..
Validating user input? everything will be ok or should i be doing something else aswell . I read so many books saying about filtering data on receiving..
Searching for a school project that will blow away my teachers We are great with creating webapplications with ajax aswell as write a desktop application. The languages we work with most..
generating a screenshot of a website using jquery to do something like this... they also have php bindings aswell. php jquery thumbnails screenshot share improve this question..
Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP) your vhost container you will need to specify the wildcard aswell This is done in the ServerAlias DOCs Then extract..
mysql_insert_id() returns 0
Codeigniter & HTML5 - Trying to Upload Multiple Images at Once 2 share improve this question I ran into this problem aswell. The _FILES data is sent a diffent structure due to the multiple..