php Programming Glossary: authorize
Twitter API returns error 215, Bad Authentication Data Twitter API Version 1.1. But you need an application and authorize your application and the user using oAuth. Read more about this..
PHP and cURL cookies you redirect the client to the site you are attempting authorize them on. Browser cookies operate on a security model known as..
Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates ...after authorizing using this address http authorize.php api_key MYAPPAPIKEY v 1.0 ext_perm publish_stream This code.. Are there additional parameters that I can add to the authorize.php url to specify authorizing the PAGE and not just my profile.. even though this is a web application . I first had to authorize offline access with this url replacing 'MYAPIKEY' http
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? serialize attributes url https oauth authorize client_id . this appid. redirect_uri redirecturl urlencode this..
facebook error 'Error validating verification code' valid redirect_uri. First both redirect_uri paramaters to authorize and access_token must match . Apparently Facebook or rather..
need help on posting on user wall application and i want to Post on user wall after the user authorize my application with OFFLINE_ACCESS AND publish_stram php app_id..
CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure? function setupAuth if isset this Auth .... this Auth authorize 'crud' this Auth actionMap array 'index' 'read' 'add' 'create'.. 'editown' and this isMine this Auth allow else this Auth authorize 'controller' this Auth deny ' ' else check this user level.. actionMap this action this Auth allow else this Auth authorize 'controller' this Auth deny ' ' The setupAuth and checkAccess..
Authenticate user for to a list set of allowed ids so that can authorize search for authorization function that connection. I would let..
Error using PHP cURL with SSL certificates I'm trying to write a PHP script using cURL that can authorize a user through a page that uses an SSL certificate in addition..
How to use OAuth with Google Calendar to access only ONE calendar? and added the proper scripts on a test page to authorize access to your information see Instantiating the client in the.. not my Client and I go to my test page it will ask ME to authorize access to my Google Calendar. But I want my client's calendar.. my customer info and go to the test page it's perfect I authorize the account then I'm redirected to my app where i can see HER..
Automatic Soundcloud PHP Api authentication without user interaction user being redirected to the Soundcloud homepage login and authorize the application so that the page can use the API for this user... so far soundcloud new Services_Soundcloud ' ' ' ' 'http ' authorizeUrl soundcloud getAuthorizeUrl accessToken soundcloud accessToken..
Magento module Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data' not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516 comment CDATA a href http authorize_netRegistration target _blank Click here to sign up for an online auth charge protected _isGateway true Can authorize online protected _canAuthorize true Can capture funds online.. _canSaveCc false Here you will need to implement authorize capture and void public methods @see examples of transaction..
REST API Authorization & Authentication (web + mobile) who should have their API key . So I would firstly need to authorize the API key and then Authenticate the user itself. If I use.. If I use Amazon's scheme to check developer's API keys authorize their app which sheme should I use for user authentication I..