php Programming Glossary: apnsmessage
Push notifications (iPhone) give “111 Connection refused” 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000' apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' deviceToken.. . chr 0 . chr strlen payload . payload fwrite apns apnsMessage End do socket_close apns fclose apns Does anyone know what I'm..
Getting errors using APNS PHP error errorString 2 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT streamContext apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' deviceToken.. . chr 0 . chr strlen payload . payload fwrite apns apnsMessage socket_close apns fclose apns and I get these errors Warning..
Apple Push Notification Service APNS - Notifications not arriving ' 'badge' 1 'sound' 'default' payload json_encode payload apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' deviceToken.. 0 . chr strlen payload . payload print sending message . apnsMessage . br print sending payload . payload . br fwrite apns apnsMessage.. . br print sending payload . payload . br fwrite apns apnsMessage else echo Connection Failed echo errorString echo error socket_close..
Why would only some devices be receiving push notifications 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT context foreach tokens as row apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' row device_token.. . chr 0 . chr strlen payload . payload fwrite fwrite apns apnsMessage if fwrite echo 'push error' else echo 'push success' fclose..
pack() in php. Illegal hex digit warning payload foreach alert_device_token as alert_device apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' alert_device.. alert_device . chr 0 . chr strlen payload . payload echo apnsMessage Now sometimes i get following warnings running the same code..
Push notification not receiving on iphone str_replace substr device_token 1 1 echo deviceToken apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' deviceToken..