php Programming Glossary: apos
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? . The most obvious effect is whether the apostrophe ' is encoded to #039 for ENT_HTML401 or apos for others.. the apostrophe ' is encoded to #039 for ENT_HTML401 or apos for others . Similarly it determines whether apos is decoded.. or apos for others . Similarly it determines whether apos is decoded or not when using html_entity_decode . #039 is always..
XML parser error: entity not defined from HTML do not work with the exception of amp quot lt gt apos . Most of the time though you can just write the actual character..
XPATH query with single quote Blogs' title nodes xml xpath item contains @catalog 'Billy apos s Blogs' title Thanks for any leads php xml xpath share improve..
DOMDocument appendXML with special characters of using a numeric reference are amp lt gt quot and apos . That means you have to use the numeric equivalent of a non..
PHP Linkify Links In Content not start of an... gt #0 62 #x0 3e # HTML entity or amp apos quot #0 3 49 #x0 2 27 # a ' entity if . ' # followed by optional..