php Programming Glossary: anyways
Is there a difference between i==0 and 0==i? [duplicate]
Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model Even not supporting caching I would need this feature anyways to know when to write an object to storage or not. The pattern..
Use DLL in PHP? as a COM object which is sort of what it's designed for anyways. So i'm taking the COM approach. try com new COM 'WHAT_GOES_HERE'..
DateTime::diff() isn't affected by timezone but always return same value can un comment below line. it doesn't affect the results anyways. to setTimeZone owner_tz procedural style using date_diff..
Best way to send 10,000+ emails with PEAR/Mail_Queue
Hunting cheaters in a voting competition might take a while for them to find out. Pro nice to have anyways Con once detected very easy to circumvent HTTPS One method of..
MySql Proccesslist filled with “Sleep” Entries leading to “To many Connections”? now and there are only 20 100 real connections at a time anyways. My question Why are there so many connections in sleep state..
Simple encryption in PHP out and those people are outside of your target audience anyways. Edit If it wasn't obvious I'm saying you give a different key..
PHP ini file_get_contents external url
php not equal to != and !== so I assume I've always have done this wrong but it works anyways. So should I change all my to just for the sake of it php operators..
underlying difference between elseif vs else if using braces.. but I think its always good to use braces anyways I was just curious about the underlying details. Am I correct..
MySQL query boolean given [duplicate] is no information or it cant pull it at least... IDK but anyways with that being said I went over to my other computer with the..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? able to test seems ugly. Let's assume you need this method anyways so you end up with public function setup Registry reset this..
What is the proper way to document files, classes and constructors? and the information is in the source control repository anyways. Only use @copyright tags if you have to. I like only having..
How to create php 2 column table with values from the database? .item width 50 float left height someFixedHeight or 200px anyways it's my preference to use tables only for displaying actual..
Access Exchange Web Services with PHP and cURL built in as base. Why can't you store wsdl file locally anyways UPDATE Ok I played around with this in my Debian box and this..
forget password page, creating a generated password to email to the user. the users' passwords in your database not in cleartext anyways. I'm going to address this before addressing the password reset..
PHPUnit best practices to organize tests structure. You have one TestClass per ProductionClass anyways so it's a good approach in my book. In file organization One.. organization One class per file. It's not going to work anyways if you have more than one test class in one file so avoid that..
setting up a database for tracking which users have clicked which links? single course as I am mostly a front end guy HTML CSS JS . Anyways the department that hired me has a website designed for incoming..
PHP to C# and Vice versa quite similar to ASP.NET so I guess it won't be that hard. Anyways some questions popped up quite fast as I wanted to script something..
How do I tell DOMDocument->load() what encoding I want it to use? were in the XML file smart quotes from Word it looks like. Anyways DOMDocument load complained about them saying that they weren't..
How easy is it to extend / modify Zend Framework? that doesn't support this a case for the rubbish bin. Anyways. With ZF it's normally done in a way that you keep your own..
how to detect users timezone every post is really making me feel like empty 'me' TRUE Anyways to summarize Matt Johnson's answer in terms of code script type..
PHP __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object with my $_SESSION data to echo out sanitized data preventing XSS and whatnot.. Anyways there's a problem. My _SESSION array is being filled with __PHP_Incomplete_Class..
Sanitization of User-Supplied Regular Expressions in PHP set back original execution time set_time_limit old_time Anyways NEVER EVER use eval with user submitted strings . Additionally..
PHP Database connection practice you'd have to create a new class for each database type. Anyways this is just a skeleton you'd want to add a params option in..
Folder structure of a PHP MVC framework… am I doing this right? module that will contain the MVC's for the admin section. Anyways to my question... I thought it would be better to separate the..
Facebook graph api photo upload to a fan page album against a wall for quite some time to get this working Anyways here is my question how can I upload a image to a fan page I..
Database abstraction class design question myself design and what better way is there than doing it . Anyways I was thinking about how I would deal with my database. I am..
Using __set with arrays solved, but why? like object foo 'bar' 42 it seemed to silently discard it. Anyways the answer is simple The __get method simply needs to return..
PHP function to evaluate string like “2-1” as arithmetic 2-1=1 to large float operations that included a parser as well. Anyways I wanted to make sure an answer to solving equations in PHP..
“VIEW FULL SITE” mobile site option some friends Droids and one Blackberry. But it works. Anyways so my question is if i do this check on every can..
PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 he does IT services server networkmanagment and such. Anyways he said some stuff about back in my day... After discussing..
Jquery: How can I combine two json data objects and post them? it in the server side php code. It is a JSON object. Anyways you can try this to combine the data objects and post it. var..
uploading a file in chunks using html5 any other processing that needs to be done on the server. Anyways this doesn't directly address the issue of the file size growing..
php proDOM parsing error because list item 30 will always point to the 30th element Anyways coming to the fixes. I'm not sure if you checked the HTML returned.. I assume the ul and li tags are dynamically generated. Anyways that isn't of our concern for now. Therefore you should modify..