php Programming Glossary: apparent
How to check a mysql encrypt value with a salt in PHP? CONCAT ' 6 ' SUBSTRING SHA RAND 16 However it became apparent this would not work due to the RAND function... So how would..
PHP IDE with best code completion? [closed] still often has hiccups sometimes fails altogether for no apparent reason no list available and always appears only when I pause..
What is the purpose of abstract classes? distinguishes them from interfaces Also due to their apparent similarities based on what reasons should I decide to use one..
PEAR directory problem on Windows my profile. I then needed some PEAR packages. go pear.bat apparently installed PEAR just fine I just needed to go into the pear.bat.. of something. I since looked into pear help install and apparently I can use P or R so set some paths. The exact difference between.. data Console_CommandLine data while R using the same path apparently R dictates where downloads are stored since that worked before..
Simple encryption in PHP variations easily before the difference is even visually apparent. What I would like is an encryption system for the details in..
How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted? know this script is running and any anomalies will not be apparent to them This script cannot fail. But what if I can run this..
How do you store your scripts for cron jobs in Zend Framework? on mod rewrite for all it's URLs it's not immediately apparent to me where I should store local scripts for use with a cron..
Somehow php broke doctype some difference between them even if it's not immediately apparent when you View Source . I recommend using a tool such as Fiddler..
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms . You then need a way to serve them with different apparent filenames such as a downloader script spitting the file out..
Convert spaces between PRE tags, via DOM parser was my original idea as a solution although it soon became apparent a DOM parser would be more appropriate... I'd like to convert..
openssl_digest vs hash vs hash_hmac? Difference between SALT & HMAC? from LinkedIn LastFM Hotmail Gawker etc the proof is apparent that a lot of people are doing it wrong. Don't do it wrong use..