php Programming Glossary: apiclient
Authentication on google: OAuth2 keeps returning 'invalid_grant' PATH_LIBRARY . ' external google api php client src apiClient.php' require_once PATH_LIBRARY . ' external google api php client.. php client src contrib apiCalendarService.php' client new apiClient service new apiCalendarService client if isset _SESSION 'oauth_access_token'..
Google Drive SDK Service Account Error “The authenticated user has not installed the app with client id …” require_once dirname __FILE__ .' google api php client src apiClient.php' require_once dirname __FILE__ .' google api php client.. .' google api php client src contrib apiDriveService.php' apiClient new apiClient apiClient setClientId DRIVE_CLIENT_ID apiClient.. php client src contrib apiDriveService.php' apiClient new apiClient apiClient setClientId DRIVE_CLIENT_ID apiClient setClientSecret..
How do I use Google's “Simple API Access key” to access Google Calendar info (PHP)? session_start require_once 'fnc google api php client src apiClient.php' require_once 'fnc google api php client src contrib apiCalendarService.php'.. google api php client src contrib apiCalendarService.php' apiClient new apiClient apiClient setUseObjects true service new apiCalendarService.. client src contrib apiCalendarService.php' apiClient new apiClient apiClient setUseObjects true service new apiCalendarService..
How to refresh token with Google API client? refresh_token The procedure is as follows. client new apiClient client setClientId config 'oauth2_client_id' client setClientSecret..