php Programming Glossary: apnscert
PHP technique to query the APNs Feedback Server read and I didn't want an infinite loop on my server. php apnsCert 'HOHRO prod.pem' streamContext stream_context_create stream_context_set_option.. stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'local_cert' apnsCert stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'verify_peer'..
Push notifications (iPhone) give “111 Connection refused” apnsHost '' apnsPort 2195 apnsCert 'apns dev.pem' apnsPass 'secret' streamContext stream_context_create.. stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'local_cert' apnsCert stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'passphrase' apnsPass.. verification option verify_peer turned on. Also make sure apnsCert is the valid path to the certificate you can use an absolute..
Getting errors using APNS PHP apnsHost '' apnsPort 2195 apnsCert 'apns dev.pem' streamContext stream_context_create stream_context_set_option.. stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'local_cert' apnsCert apns stream_socket_client 'ssl ' . apnsHost . ' ' . apnsPort..
Apple Push Notification Service APNS - Notifications not arriving apnsHost '' apnsPort 2195 apnsCert 'apns dev maui.pem' streamContext stream_context_create stream_context_set_option.. stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'local_cert' apnsCert apns stream_socket_client 'ssl ' . apnsHost . ' ' . apnsPort..
Push notification not receiving on iphone 2195 if PRODUCTION_MODE Use a development push certificate apnsCert _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' .' apns apns dominos development.pem'.. development.pem' else Use a production push certificate apnsCert _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' .' apns apns dominos production.pem'.. stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'local_cert' apnsCert stream_context_set_option streamContext 'ssl' 'passphrase' apns..