php Programming Glossary: apache2
php.ini changes but not effective in ubuntu of my phpinfo. Configuration File php.ini Path etc php5 apache2 Loaded Configuration File etc php5 apache2 php.ini And this.. Path etc php5 apache2 Loaded Configuration File etc php5 apache2 php.ini And this is the content of my php.ini file upload_max_filesize.. 50M post_max_size 50M memory_limit 128M Then i restart apache2 but the phpinfo show is also upload_max_filesize 2M php linux..
Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)? free TextWrangler or vi or nano will do too and open etc apache2 httpd.conf Find the line #LoadModule php5_module libexec apache2.. httpd.conf Find the line #LoadModule php5_module libexec apache2 And uncomment it remove the # . Download and install..
How can I have CodeIgniter load specific pages using SSL? I have CodeIgniter load specific pages using SSL I have an apache2 mode_ssl server. mod_ssl uses a different document root than..
What is the best way to learn php? [closed] package manager install php 5 mysql server mysql client apache2 and phpmyadmin or you can use apt get install package names....
PHP Configuration: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings the head for me. I've been editing I use Debian etc php5 apache2 php.ini ...which had the correct timezone for me and was the..
Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' with pdo e.g. on Windows C Windows php.ini or on Ubuntu etc php5 apache2 php.ini or sg. like this in a text editor and remove the semicolon..
How to secure phpMyAdmin the corresponding setting is located in the file etc apache2 conf.d phpmyadmin.conf which is a link to etc phpmyadmin apache.conf..
How do I add paths to the Apache PATH variable? Apache PATH variable I've set in my custom.conf file in apache2 this SetEnv PATH PATH opt local lib mysql5 bin this is a test..
How to enable curl, installed Ubuntu LAMP stack? server with one of the following commands sudo etc init.d apache2 restart OR sudo service apache2 restart share improve this..
Allow one session only at a time am using php and apache. Thank you. Regards. Benjamin php apache2 php session share improve this question I'll suggest you..
curl_init() function not working but you will need to restart your Apache. sudo etc init.d apache2 restart If you're still getting issues then try and use phpinfo..
How do you configure Apache/PHP to accept slashes in query strings? this form of URL in both cases not reject it. php apache apache2 query string share improve this question http server index.php..
Where does PHP store the error log? improve this question Php stores error logs in var log apache2 if php is an apache2 module. Shared hosts are often storing.. Php stores error logs in var log apache2 if php is an apache2 module. Shared hosts are often storing log files in your root..
While I am debugging PHP Script in Eclipse, it doesn't load mysql extension Executable path usr bin php PHP ini file etc php5 apache2 php.ini SAPI type CLI PHP debugger XDebug I wrote the following..
$PATH environment variable for apache2 on mac PATH environment variable for apache2 on mac I am trying to get apache php to recognize the path..
How do I use Microsoft AD and php single sign on web app? 11 kerberos.html page last http ~speeves Apache2 AuthenNTLM 0.02 Since I'm running on windows Its.. setups to nginx and php fcgi still running on windows. Apache2 and php cgi on windows is probably one of the slowest setups..
4GB HTTP File Uploads Using jQuery-File-Upload, Apache and PHP following or solution worth trying I'd appreciate it. In Apache2 I've set the following apache2.conf I've set Timeout to 900.. a 3.8 GB file over HTTP with the following settings In Apache2 I've set the following apache2.conf I've set Timeout to 900.. a 3.8 GB file over HTTP with the following settings In Apache2 I've set the following apache2.conf I've set Timeout to 900..
PHP $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] vs. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], am I understanding the man pages correctly? 'SERVER_NAME' is based on your web servers' config file Apache2 in my case and varies depending on a few directives 1 VirtualHost..
How to secure phpMyAdmin can I do to change it Thanks Update For Ubuntu 9.10 and Apache2 the corresponding setting is located in the file etc apache2..
How to enable and use HTTP PUT and DELETE with Apache2 and PHP? to enable and use HTTP PUT and DELETE with Apache2 and PHP It should be so simple. I've followed every tutorial.. it to work. I simply want to build a RESTful API in PHP on Apache2. In my VirtualHost directive I say Directory AllowOverride All..
url encoded forward slashes breaking my codeigniter app but from your web server. I replicated this using Apache2 without even using CodeIgniter I created a file index.php and..
Zend_Cache: After loading cached data, character encoding seems messed up the exact same code and data to the staging server managed Apache2 on Redhat it breaks. I'm caching some data using Zend_Cache..
Using .htaccess to make all .html pages to run as .php files? file at the root of your website and add this line Apache2 @ Ubuntu Debian use this directive AddType application x httpd..
How to send email from PHP without SMTP server installed? server installed I have a classic LAMP platform Debian Apache2 PHP5 and MySQL on a dedicated server. I heard PHPMailer can..
Apache permissions, PHP file create, MKDir fail user accounts for every website and using something like Apache2 MPM ITK to change the RUN_USER depending on which website is..
Best strategy to protect downloadable files -php/mysql Apache2 server strategy to protect downloadable files php mysql Apache2 server I'll trying to figure out how to protect directory from..
apache2 on ubuntu - php files downloading downloading On my new Ubuntu system I've managed to get Apache2 up and running for developing my ZendFramework Web Applications.....
Creating a PHP SOAP request with a certificate `C Certs client_cert.pem' in C Program Files Apache Group Apache2 htdocs soapWithAuth.php on line 53 Warning SoapClient SoapClient.. to create an SSL handle in C Program Files Apache Group Apache2 htdocs soapWithAuth.php on line 53 Warning SoapClient SoapClient.. Failed to enable crypto in C Program Files Apache Group Apache2 htdocs soapWithAuth.php on line 53 Warning SoapClient SoapClient..
PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit? if there's some sort of data limit I'm reaching in Apache2 PHP or the browser itself I'm using Google Chrome 17.0.963.79..