php Programming Glossary: api.php
PHP connecting to MediaWiki API and retrieve data as a string EDIT The URL is url 'http w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content format xml redirects.. as retrieving the file fopen url 'http w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content format xml redirects.. 8192 echo c file_get_contents url 'http w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content format xml redirects..
How to build a RESTful API? simply example in simple php. There are 2 files client.php api.php . I put both files on the same url http localhost 8888 so you.. user_info file_get_contents 'http localhost 8888 api.php action get_user id ' . _GET id user_info json_decode user_info.. user list user_list file_get_contents 'http localhost 8888 api.php action get_user_list' user_list json_decode user_list true THAT..
How to parse Wikipedia XML with PHP? link which I want to get its data. http w api.php action query generator allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects.. TRUE curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL http w api.php action query generator allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects.. TRUE curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL http w api.php action query generator allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects..
Using Clean URLs in RESTful API controller . .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ api api.php api.php request _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' this would be users show.. . .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ api api.php api.php request _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' this would be users show abc.json.. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ api ^ . . xml json atom api.php url 1 type 2 api.php request_parts explode ' ' _GET 'url' array..
How to get results from the Wikipedia API with PHP? simple. Warning file_get_contents http w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions rvprop content.. stream_context_create opts url 'http w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions rvprop content.. give you more control url 'http w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions rvprop content..