php Programming Glossary: apikey
PHP cUrl vs file_get_contents 'http v3 shorten login user apiKey key longUrl url' ch curl_init 'http v3 shorten.. ch curl_init 'http v3 shorten login user apiKey key longUrl url' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) here Replace with real BROWSER API key from Google APIs apiKey 123456 Replace with real client registration IDs registrationIDs.. message message headers array 'Authorization key ' . apiKey 'Content Type application json' Open connection ch curl_init..
How to log out users using Facebook Connect in PHP and Zend? protected function _killFacebookCookies get your api key apiKey this getConfig getApiKey get name of the cookie cookie this.. 'expires' 'ss' foreach cookies as name setcookie apiKey . '_' . name false time 3600 unset _COOKIE apiKey . '_' . name.. apiKey . '_' . name false time 3600 unset _COOKIE apiKey . '_' . name setcookie apiKey false time 3600 unset _COOKIE..
Helping using JSON for an API is your partner ID as provided by us to access the API. apiKey 1 string This is your API Key as provided by use to access the.. value1 key2 value2 . You have 4 variables to plugin pid apiKey srid and customerId . Without knowing what this web service.. api v1 account reputation current.json pid 12345 apiKey asdf srid 34 customerid 98765 Manually build yourself a working..
Read POST request parameters properly in PHP for request more than 1450 B? V2ymHFg03ehbqgZCaKO6jy Content Disposition form data name apiKey 98d32fdsa V2ymHFg03ehbqgZCaKO6jy Content Disposition form data.. As you can see I get 4 parameters called intro title apiKey and method and one file called original_filename.png with size..
Using SimpleXML to load remote URL ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga locale en_US currencyCode USD customerIpAddress.. ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga locale en_US currencyCode USD customerIpAddress.. ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga locale en_US currencyCode USD customerIpAddress..
Expedia API blank ean services rs hotel v3 res cid 55505 apiKey xxx locale en_US currencyCode USD customerUserAgent Mozilla..