php Programming Glossary: apostrophes
Sanitizing user's data in GET by PHP had an apostrophe in your username it would turn into two apostrophes on the page. Then when you have a form with these characters..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? or ENT_QUOTES instead. The latter also works when you use apostrophes for attributes value 'foo' . If you only have two arguments..
PHP - Getting rid of curly apostrophes Getting rid of curly apostrophes I'm trying to get rid of curly apostrophes ones pasted from.. rid of curly apostrophes I'm trying to get rid of curly apostrophes ones pasted from some sort of rich text doc I imagine and I..
apostrophes are breaking my mysql query in PHP are breaking my mysql query in PHP My database has name records.. My database has name records that occasionally contain apostrophes such as Joe's Bar and I've just coded a query script in PHP..
Regex for names have my regex also accept a space hyphens ampersands and apostrophes but not at the start or end of the name to be technically correct...
quick function to replace ' with \' in php me with a quick function to search a string and escape all apostrophes in php. Thanks. php share improve this question addslashes..
An apostrophe is rendering as â?¬tm. What PHP function will display it as ' ? something_Decode? some tweets and printing them out on my site and curly apostrophes are being rendered as â ¬tm . This is not good. What php function..