php Programming Glossary: aop
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? other is not specifically tied to cross cutting concerns AOP. In other words it's more related to the application state... event driven UPDATE Zend Framework 2 The article about AOP I've linked above http blog 251 Aspects Filters and.. are only using events for cross cutting concerns AOP then it's not event driven. In the same way you would not call..
PHP: The Reflection API - Great Addition To PHP With Little Use The FLOW3 framework makes use of Annotations for their AOP framework . Unfortunately some of the newer additions to PHP..
Codeigniter AOP AOP I need a good implementation of AOP paradigm for Codeigniter.. AOP I need a good implementation of AOP paradigm for Codeigniter PHP Framework. What do you suggest.. any facility for this. Your best bet is likely to google AOP PHP to find an implementation. Some libraries including dead..
How is annotation useful in PHP? FLOW 3 uses these annotations also in the context of AOP to mark methods which should be weaved means injecting behaviour..
Are there any working Aspect-Oriented PHP libraries? [closed] It seems like the topic of Aspect Oriented Programming AOP in PHP started sometime in 2005 and died sometime around 2007... around 2007. Some now apparently dead projects include AOPHP AspectPHP Transparent PHP AOP PHP AOP So is there anyone out.. dead projects include AOPHP AspectPHP Transparent PHP AOP PHP AOP So is there anyone out there still working on this ..
Guice like dependency injection frameworks in PHP [duplicate] fooBarProvider Scopes possible to implement a custom one AOP method interceptors Circular dependencies See the readme file..