php Programming Glossary: api's
Caching JSON output in PHP of an issue. Been playing with the facebook and twitter API's and getting the JSON output of status search queries no problem..
How can I find unused functions in a PHP project unused functions in a PHP project Are there features or API's built into PHP that will allow me to analyse my codebase for.. my codebase for example Reflection token_get_all Are these API's feature rich enough for me not to have to rely on a third party..
How do I throttle my site's API users? leaky bucket never resets its counter unlike the Twitter API's throttle which resets every hour but if the bucket becomes full..
How do I make Win32 API calls from PHP? but is there a way to directly call into the Win32 API's user32.dll advapi32.dll etc from PHP or do I need to wrap in..
How to continuously keep the number of bcrypt rounds relevant to the current year's hardware? is included in it And if you're not using either of those API's or the polyfill that I maintain password compat then I really..
Image upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin to file uploads.I am using jqueryFileUpload and amazon API's to uplaod files to amazon S3.I have succeeded in uploading it..
Calculate driving directions using PHP? Javascript and Flash API. Is there any way I can run their API's server side php scripting google maps server side driving directions..
Any Reliable API available to determine User's city and country from IP address anything like this. If you know any other Free or paid API's that help determine user's location from his IP please let me..
Code Coverage tools for PHP [closed] for PHP I wish to check the code coverage of my code and API's written in PHP but have not been able to lay my hands on any..
PHP: What's the best solution to check a users country? works and what's the best way to do it Services that give API's I read heard that there are a lots of services that gives API's.. I read heard that there are a lots of services that gives API's to do this however I don't really want to rely on anybody so.. list And I also read heard that those services that gives API's they have a very huge list of IP's from ISP's and they can determine..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? So i was looking through some articles on creating REST API's. And some of them suggest using all types of HTTP requests like.. something UPDATE 1 Ok after digging through various API's and learning a lot about XML RPC JSON RPC SOAP REST I came to..
XML Outputting - PHP vs JS vs Anything Else? I am working on developing a Travel website which uses XML API's to get the data. However i am relatively new to XML and outputting..
How to create an Email Account in Cpanel via PHP? [closed] and based on that providing this answer. 1. I see bunch of API's for cPanel for managing the server. Though I don't find a direct..
uploading a file in chunks using html5 in browser chrome . Tested in Chrome 9 as this uses file API's slice function . Can some one guide me on this Thanks PHP source..
How to get results from the Wikipedia API with PHP? The problem you are running into here is related to the MW API's User Agent policy you must supply a User Agent header and that..