jquery Programming Glossary: html.textbox
Can jQuery do a POST of a ViewModel to a Controller in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1160669/can-jquery-do-a-post-of-a-viewmodel-to-a-controller-in-asp-net-mvc to a custom view model when posting back to the server. Html.TextBox CustomerFormViewModel.Email This works great if it's a traditional..
MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1720020/mvc-jquery-submit-form-without-page-refresh-from-javascript-function CatID CatTitle book.CatID Html.ValidationMessage CatID Html.TextBox book i .BookTitle book.BookTitle Html.ValidationMessage BookTitle..
jQuery ui datepicker positioning problem when scrolling down webpage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2834857/jquery-ui-datepicker-positioning-problem-when-scrolling-down-webpage var record in Model div class recordname record.name div Html.TextBox DateTimePicker null new @class date pick additional html here..
how to reload jqgrid in asp.net mvc when i change dropdownlist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2839721/how-to-reload-jqgrid-in-asp-net-mvc-when-i-change-dropdownlist Cities Select new @class ddownmenu nbsp Hospital Name Html.TextBox HospitalName nbsp nbsp input id btnSearch type submit value..
ASP.Net MVC Ajax form with jQuery validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298691/asp-net-mvc-ajax-form-with-jquery-validation style width 230px p label for Post.Header Rubrik label Html.TextBox Post.Header null new @style width 200px @class text required..
Is this a valid jquery callback function call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3174249/is-this-a-valid-jquery-callback-function-call align right Client Name nbsp td td style width 20 Html.TextBox Name null new @class text_box_height_14_width_150 nbsp td.. 20px align right Mobile No nbsp td td style width 20 Html.TextBox MobileNo null new @class text_box_height_14_width_150 nbsp..
How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/350292/how-do-i-get-jquery-to-select-elements-with-a-period-in-their-id school And the following form form method post School Html.TextBox Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox.. form form method post School Html.TextBox Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code.. Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br Sate..
MVC.net JQuery Validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61456/mvc-net-jquery-validation action Create method post label UserName label br Html.TextBox UserName br div class error div input type submit value Save.. action Create method post label UserName label br Html.TextBox UserName br input type submit value Save form Script script..
Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/707603/apply-jquery-datepicker-to-multiple-instances Using Html.BeginForm For Each item In Model.MyRecords Html.TextBox my_date br Next End Using Without the For Each loop it works..
transfer data from javascript popup multiline textbox to a select control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9300978/transfer-data-from-javascript-popup-multiline-textbox-to-a-select-control item.Prompt a h3 div div class editor label Search @ Html.TextBox Search @ input id @ Search item.Name type text name q data..
Can jQuery do a POST of a ViewModel to a Controller in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1160669/can-jquery-do-a-post-of-a-viewmodel-to-a-controller-in-asp-net-mvc I have my Html Textboxes created so that they will be bound to a custom view model when posting back to the server. Html.TextBox CustomerFormViewModel.Email This works great if it's a traditional POST. I can then receive it on the Controller side with..
MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1720020/mvc-jquery-submit-form-without-page-refresh-from-javascript-function book i .CatID new SelectList Model.Categories CatID CatTitle book.CatID Html.ValidationMessage CatID Html.TextBox book i .BookTitle book.BookTitle Html.ValidationMessage BookTitle br i fieldset Now on the main view page I want..
jQuery ui datepicker positioning problem when scrolling down webpage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2834857/jquery-ui-datepicker-positioning-problem-when-scrolling-down-webpage ~80 records which extends beyond a single screenshot. foreach var record in Model div class recordname record.name div Html.TextBox DateTimePicker null new @class date pick additional html here I have set the defaults of my datepicker as follows .date..
how to reload jqgrid in asp.net mvc when i change dropdownlist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2839721/how-to-reload-jqgrid-in-asp-net-mvc-when-i-change-dropdownlist nbsp City Html.DropDownList CityId SelectList ViewData Cities Select new @class ddownmenu nbsp Hospital Name Html.TextBox HospitalName nbsp nbsp input id btnSearch type submit value Search td tr table td tr tr td align center colspan 2 nbsp..
ASP.Net MVC Ajax form with jQuery validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298691/asp-net-mvc-ajax-form-with-jquery-validation getGbPostSuccess OnFailure showFaliure div class column style width 230px p label for Post.Header Rubrik label Html.TextBox Post.Header null new @style width 200px @class text required p p label for Post.Post Meddelande label Html.TextArea Post.Post..
Is this a valid jquery callback function call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3174249/is-this-a-valid-jquery-callback-function-call 100 tr td class tdfields style width 25 padding right 20px align right Client Name nbsp td td style width 20 Html.TextBox Name null new @class text_box_height_14_width_150 nbsp td td style width 55 class status nbsp td tr tr td class.. td tr tr td class tdfields style width 25 padding right 20px align right Mobile No nbsp td td style width 20 Html.TextBox MobileNo null new @class text_box_height_14_width_150 nbsp td td style width 55 class status nbsp td tr tr td class..
How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/350292/how-do-i-get-jquery-to-select-elements-with-a-period-in-their-id id UpdateModel school form return new SchoolResponse School school And the following form form method post School Html.TextBox Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br.. return new SchoolResponse School school And the following form form method post School Html.TextBox Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br Sate select id Address.State.. school And the following form form method post School Html.TextBox Name br Street Html.TextBox Address.Street br City Html.TextBox Address.City br Zip Code Html.TextBox Address.ZipCode br Sate select id Address.State select br Country select id Address.Country..
MVC.net JQuery Validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61456/mvc-net-jquery-validation must consist of at least 2 characters script form id CreateLog action Create method post label UserName label br Html.TextBox UserName br div class error div input type submit value Save form I tried adding this to the script errorLabelContainer.. show it. Html div class error container ul ul div form id CreateLog action Create method post label UserName label br Html.TextBox UserName br input type submit value Save form Script script type text javascript .ready function #CreateLog .validate errorLabelContainer..
Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/707603/apply-jquery-datepicker-to-multiple-instances type text javascript function '#my_date' .datepicker script Using Html.BeginForm For Each item In Model.MyRecords Html.TextBox my_date br Next End Using Without the For Each loop it works fine but if there's more than one item in the MyRecords collection..
transfer data from javascript popup multiline textbox to a select control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9300978/transfer-data-from-javascript-popup-multiline-textbox-to-a-select-control in Model.Parameters h3 a href # @Html.LabelFor m item.Name item.Prompt a h3 div div class editor label Search @ Html.TextBox Search @ input id @ Search item.Name type text name q data autocomplete @Url.Action QuickSearch item.Name Report div ..