jquery Programming Glossary: htmlcollection
Difference between HTMLCollection, NodeLists, and arrays of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15763358/difference-between-htmlcollection-nodelists-and-arrays-of-objects between HTMLCollection NodeLists and arrays of objects I've always been confused between.. and arrays of objects I've always been confused between HTMLCollections objects and arrays when it comes to DOM. For instance... What.. 1 ATTRIBUTE_NODE 2 TEXT_NODE 3 more... document.links HTMLCollection a # a # document.getElementById myTable table id myTable document.getElementsByClassName..
Weird behaviour of iframe `name` attribute set by jQuery in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2105815/weird-behaviour-of-iframe-name-attribute-set-by-jquery-in-ie but which doesn't change the real name attribute used for HTMLCollection indexing radio grouping getElementsByName or in the case of..
What makes Firebug/Chrome console treat a custom object as an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4951054/what-makes-firebug-chrome-console-treat-a-custom-object-as-an-array obj.callee arguments return true else if instanceOf obj HTMLCollection return true else if instanceOf obj NodeList return true else..
Difference between HTMLCollection, NodeLists, and arrays of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15763358/difference-between-htmlcollection-nodelists-and-arrays-of-objects between HTMLCollection NodeLists and arrays of objects I've always been confused between HTMLCollections objects and arrays when it comes to DOM... between HTMLCollection NodeLists and arrays of objects I've always been confused between HTMLCollections objects and arrays when it comes to DOM. For instance... What is the difference between document.getElementsByTagName td.. Object 123 123 abc abc 321 321 more... Node Node ELEMENT_NODE 1 ATTRIBUTE_NODE 2 TEXT_NODE 3 more... document.links HTMLCollection a # a # document.getElementById myTable table id myTable document.getElementsByClassName myRow HTMLCollection tr.myRow tr.myRow..
Weird behaviour of iframe `name` attribute set by jQuery in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2105815/weird-behaviour-of-iframe-name-attribute-set-by-jquery-in-ie
What makes Firebug/Chrome console treat a custom object as an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4951054/what-makes-firebug-chrome-console-treat-a-custom-object-as-an-array obj.splice return true else if isFinite obj.length isFunction obj.callee arguments return true else if instanceOf obj HTMLCollection return true else if instanceOf obj NodeList return true else return false Of course none of these checks ensures that the..