jquery Programming Glossary: htmlspecialchars
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks queWrap Each QuestionNo and QuestionContent p php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . . htmlspecialchars arrQuestionContent key.. p php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . . htmlspecialchars arrQuestionContent key p Output each Individual Option p php.. Output each Individual Option p php echo ExpandOptionType htmlspecialchars arrOptionType key p Output each QuestionId text input per question..
Send the download link of the uploaded file in a mail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869040/send-the-download-link-of-the-uploaded-file-in-a-mail 'magic_quotes_gpc' _POST k stripslashes _POST k _POST k htmlspecialchars strip_tags _POST k err array if checkLen 'name' err 'The name..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button queWrap LOOP THROUGH EACH QUESTION p php echo strong .htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . strong p BELOW DISPLAYS THE ANSWER BUTTONS.. class 'questionIds' name 'questionids' value ' php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionId key ' p div php Below is Source Code which displays..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection version h4 li ul div id content User Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars ua b ul li ID php echo requestingDevice id li li Brand Name.. type text name ua size 100 value php echo isset _GET 'ua' htmlspecialchars _GET 'ua' '' input type submit div form div body html If you..
Requested JSON parse failed while post json_encode data , how can I revmoe “\” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16318513/requested-json-parse-failed-while-post-json-encode-data-how-can-i-revmoe json_encode data how can I revmoe &ldquo &rdquo valueArr htmlspecialchars json_encode event ENT_QUOTES 'UTF 8' I am sending json_encode.. php jquery ajax json share improve this question The htmlspecialchars function adds special characters to avoid security holes one..
Ajax call isn't update my rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19330082/ajax-call-isnt-update-my-rows function clean content content mysql_real_escape_string htmlspecialchars content return content Update the user team. if isset _POST..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148820/escaping-output-safely-for-both-html-and-input-fields reproduce the behaviour you describe. I've always used htmlspecialchars which does essentially the same task as htmlentities and it's..
Retrieving Data with Jquery, AJAX, and PHP from a MySQL Database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9053853/retrieving-data-with-jquery-ajax-and-php-from-a-mysql-database include .. .. inc config.inc.php CLIENT INFORMATION code htmlspecialchars trim _POST 'lname' addClient select from news where code code..
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks ' echo ' p ' foreach arrQuestionId as key question div class queWrap Each QuestionNo and QuestionContent p php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . . htmlspecialchars arrQuestionContent key p Output each Individual Option p php echo ExpandOptionType.. key question div class queWrap Each QuestionNo and QuestionContent p php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . . htmlspecialchars arrQuestionContent key p Output each Individual Option p php echo ExpandOptionType htmlspecialchars arrOptionType key p.. key . . htmlspecialchars arrQuestionContent key p Output each Individual Option p php echo ExpandOptionType htmlspecialchars arrOptionType key p Output each QuestionId text input per question p Question Id input type 'text' class 'questionIds' name..
Send the download link of the uploaded file in a mail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869040/send-the-download-link-of-the-uploaded-file-in-a-mail fancyform session_start foreach _POST as k v if ini_get 'magic_quotes_gpc' _POST k stripslashes _POST k _POST k htmlspecialchars strip_tags _POST k err array if checkLen 'name' err 'The name field is too short or empty ' if checkLen 'email' err 'The..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button array foreach arrQuestionId as key question div class queWrap LOOP THROUGH EACH QUESTION p php echo strong .htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . strong p BELOW DISPLAYS THE ANSWER BUTTONS FOR EACH QUESTION options explode ' ' arrOptionType key if.. DB's QUESTIONID FOR EACH QUESTION p input type 'hidden' class 'questionIds' name 'questionids' value ' php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionId key ' p div php Below is Source Code which displays 2 questions and their answers div class queWrap QUESTION..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection body h3 WURFL XML INFO h3 ul li h4 VERSION php echo wurflInfo version h4 li ul div id content User Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars ua b ul li ID php echo requestingDevice id li li Brand Name php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'brand_name' li li Model.. b p form method get action index.php div User Agent input type text name ua size 100 value php echo isset _GET 'ua' htmlspecialchars _GET 'ua' '' input type submit div form div body html If you want to customize this code change configuration parameters..
Requested JSON parse failed while post json_encode data , how can I revmoe “\” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16318513/requested-json-parse-failed-while-post-json-encode-data-how-can-i-revmoe JSON parse failed while post json_encode data how can I revmoe &ldquo &rdquo valueArr htmlspecialchars json_encode event ENT_QUOTES 'UTF 8' I am sending json_encode valueArr from a href javascript void 0 id event_ event event_id.. it contains that will not parse the data on the server. php jquery ajax json share improve this question The htmlspecialchars function adds special characters to avoid security holes one of the characters is the ' ' char. I suggest to use only json_encode..
Ajax call isn't update my rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19330082/ajax-call-isnt-update-my-rows errorMessage 'Error ' data.error data.error data.error Php function clean content content mysql_real_escape_string htmlspecialchars content return content Update the user team. if isset _POST 'f' _POST 'f' 'updateTeam' if isset _POST 's0' cid1 secure clean..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148820/escaping-output-safely-for-both-html-and-input-fields escaping share improve this question I'm sorry but I cannot reproduce the behaviour you describe. I've always used htmlspecialchars which does essentially the same task as htmlentities and it's never lead to any sort of double encoding. The page source..
Retrieving Data with Jquery, AJAX, and PHP from a MySQL Database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9053853/retrieving-data-with-jquery-ajax-and-php-from-a-mysql-database something My PHP i guess will be something like this php include .. .. inc config.inc.php CLIENT INFORMATION code htmlspecialchars trim _POST 'lname' addClient select from news where code code mysql_query addClient or die mysql_error This tutorial only..