jquery Programming Glossary: hsl
Farbtastic convert HSL back to RGB or Hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11804027/farbtastic-convert-hsl-back-to-rgb-or-hex convert HSL back to RGB or Hex Edit Posting Solution I wanted to create.. color chosen in Farbtastic. I did my calculations on the HSL value because it's easier and produces better results. After.. it's easier and produces better results. After getting the HSL value from Farbtastic I added brightness to create a new color...
Micropost character countdown (Rails Tutorial, 2nd Ed, Chapter 10, Exercise 7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10955850/micropost-character-countdown-rails-tutorial-2nd-ed-chapter-10-exercise-7 float right .overlimit color red .almostlimit color hsl 360 57 21 .nearlimit color gray config locales en.yml en .....
Farbtastic convert HSL back to RGB or Hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11804027/farbtastic-convert-hsl-back-to-rgb-or-hex a farb function function onColorChange color retrieve hsl value do calculations and place in hidden input. var hslcolor.. hsl value do calculations and place in hidden input. var hslcolor .farbtastic '#example_colorpicker_picker' .hsl brighten.. var hslcolor .farbtastic '#example_colorpicker_picker' .hsl brighten by 40 var brightness 1.4 Math.round hslcolor 2 10000..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib a 1 a 1 16 parseInt a 2 a 2 16 parseInt a 3 a 3 16 re hsla s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s space hsla parse function.. 3 16 re hsla s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s space hsla parse function a return a 1 a 2 100 a 3 100 a 4 f h.Color function.. idx 0 type byte green idx 1 type byte blue idx 2 type byte hsla props hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent..
Farbtastic convert HSL back to RGB or Hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11804027/farbtastic-convert-hsl-back-to-rgb-or-hex convert HSL back to RGB or Hex Edit Posting Solution I wanted to create color swatches based on the color chosen in Farbtastic. I did.. Solution I wanted to create color swatches based on the color chosen in Farbtastic. I did my calculations on the HSL value because it's easier and produces better results. After getting the HSL value from Farbtastic I added brightness to.. Farbtastic. I did my calculations on the HSL value because it's easier and produces better results. After getting the HSL value from Farbtastic I added brightness to create a new color. The new color is in HSL format and I need to switch it back..
Micropost character countdown (Rails Tutorial, 2nd Ed, Chapter 10, Exercise 7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10955850/micropost-character-countdown-rails-tutorial-2nd-ed-chapter-10-exercise-7 countdown .remaining .countdown display inline color grayLight float right .overlimit color red .almostlimit color hsl 360 57 21 .nearlimit color gray config locales en.yml en ... shared ... micropost_form compose_micropost Compose new micropost.....
Farbtastic convert HSL back to RGB or Hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11804027/farbtastic-convert-hsl-back-to-rgb-or-hex picker .farbtastic elem farb object picker.linkTo onColorChange a farb function function onColorChange color retrieve hsl value do calculations and place in hidden input. var hslcolor .farbtastic '#example_colorpicker_picker' .hsl brighten by.. a farb function function onColorChange color retrieve hsl value do calculations and place in hidden input. var hslcolor .farbtastic '#example_colorpicker_picker' .hsl brighten by 40 var brightness 1.4 Math.round hslcolor 2 10000 10000.. retrieve hsl value do calculations and place in hidden input. var hslcolor .farbtastic '#example_colorpicker_picker' .hsl brighten by 40 var brightness 1.4 Math.round hslcolor 2 10000 10000 if brightness 1 brightness 1 if brightness 0 brightness..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib 3 16 re # a f0 9 a f0 9 a f0 9 parse function a return parseInt a 1 a 1 16 parseInt a 2 a 2 16 parseInt a 3 a 3 16 re hsla s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s space hsla parse function a return a 1 a 2 100 a 3 100 a 4 f h.Color function a.. parseInt a 1 a 1 16 parseInt a 2 a 2 16 parseInt a 3 a 3 16 re hsla s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s s d . d s space hsla parse function a return a 1 a 2 100 a 3 100 a 4 f h.Color function a b c d return new h.Color.fn.parse a b c d k rgba props.. b c d return new h.Color.fn.parse a b c d k rgba props red idx 0 type byte green idx 1 type byte blue idx 2 type byte hsla props hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent lightness idx 2 type percent r byte floor 0 max 255 percent..