jquery Programming Glossary: href
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events index div data theme a data role header h3 First Page h3 a href #second class ui btn right Next a div div data role content.. class ui btn right Next a div div data role content a href # data role button id test button Test button a div div data.. a data role button data icon arrow r data iconpos right href #care plan view id 9e273f31 2672 47fd 9baa 6c35f093a800 amp..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content .appendTo '#index data role content ' ' li ' .append ' a href # Audi a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href.. # Audi a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Mercedes a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a.. Mercedes a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Opel a ' .appendTo '#test listview' '#test listview' .listview..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background as a ul like so ul class main menu li class active a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href # sm1.. main menu li class active a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href # sm1 Submenu 1 a li li a href.. a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href # sm1 Submenu 1 a li li a href # sm2 Submenu 2 a li li a href..
how to bind fancybox to dynamic added element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9081571/how-to-bind-fancybox-to-dynamic-added-element a element to body use jquery document.body .append a href home index class fancybox and i call fancybox .ajaxFancyBox.. having this html div id container a class ajaxFancyBox href image01.jpg open image 01 a a class ajaxFancyBox href image02.jpg.. href image01.jpg open image 01 a a class ajaxFancyBox href image02.jpg open image 02 a div .. we will apply on and focusin..
JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse terms. Is this possible My code so far is thus html a href javascript onclick SelectText 'xhtml code' Select Code a code..
How to retrieve query string parameter and values using javascript (Jquery)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171713/how-to-retrieve-query-string-parameter-and-values-using-javascript-jquery href. So how do I retrieve value of id and status from HREF url query string I am using Jquery. Thank you for your help...
preventDefault won't work on Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367195/preventdefault-wont-work-on-firefox won't work on Firefox I'm trying to prevent A HREF from actually opening the link but to execute a script. I got..
What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14302512/what-happens-when-no-response-is-received-for-a-request-im-seeing-retries do with my Ajax call. If I create a button with a simple HREF. i.e a href importdevice device serverA class btn btn success..
How do you know when to return false from a jQuery function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1635401/how-do-you-know-when-to-return-false-from-a-jquery-function element the default event action is to follow the anchor's HREF. You want to stop the event bubbling. Returning false from an..
JQuery Not Parsing Properly attr(“href”) in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342903/jquery-not-parsing-properly-attrhref-in-ie Internet Explorer 8 or later. In IE8 mode the value of the HREF depends on the context of the reference to the attribute. When.. When read as a Document Object Model DOM attribute HREF returns a URL relative to the domain hosting the Web page. HREF.. returns a URL relative to the domain hosting the Web page. HREF returns the value specified by the page author when read as..
How do I check for empty attr() in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3773195/how-do-i-check-for-empty-attr-in-jquery created using PHP. The anchor within the div always has a HREF even if it is blank. Basically I am trying to detect if the.. if it is blank. Basically I am trying to detect if the HREF is blank. If it has content do nothing if it's blank strip the..
jQuery Ajax: return value to caller? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388436/jquery-ajax-return-value-to-caller it I attached a sample file html head LINK REL StyleSheet HREF examples.css TITLE Contemporary TYPE text css script src jquery..
How to add a Facebook “Like” button to an AJAX driven page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219729/how-to-add-a-facebook-like-button-to-an-ajax-driven-page unique URL. What I want to do is to dynamically change the HREF of the button. I do understand that this tag is converted to..
Is it possible change favicon on site when users change themes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875689/is-it-possible-change-favicon-on-site-when-users-change-themes can change the favicon using Javascript by changing the HREF element on this link for instance assuming you're using JQuery..
get href attribute of enclosing link tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5202619/get-href-attribute-of-enclosing-link-tag on this one. I need a way using Jquery JS to find the HREF attribute of the enclosing link tag a href something.html img..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call li ul div Here you'll notice I have a relative url in the HREF attribute and a link to some pages on my server. The reason..
JavaScript: Invoking click-event of an anchor tag from javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980709/javascript-invoking-click-event-of-an-anchor-tag-from-javascript page with an anchor tag. In my JavaScript I am setting the HREF attribute of the anchor tag dynamically based on some if else..
Passing a dynamic href into Fancybox Iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12074798/passing-a-dynamic-href-into-fancybox-iframe jQuery document .ready function 'a' .each function var Href 'GetImg.php img ' this .attr href alert Href .Images .click.. function var Href 'GetImg.php img ' this .attr href alert Href .Images .click function .fancybox.open href Href type 'iframe'.. alert Href .Images .click function .fancybox.open href Href type 'iframe' padding 5 ready script Href is being set ie..
Jquery Location Href? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7078660/jquery-location-href Location Href duplicate Possible Duplicate How can I make a redirect page..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events jQuery Mobile page with an id index div data role page id index div data theme a data role header h3 First Page h3 a href #second class ui btn right Next a div div data role content a href # data role button id test button Test button a div div.. data theme a data role header h3 First Page h3 a href #second class ui btn right Next a div div data role content a href # data role button id test button Test button a div div data theme a data role footer data position fixed div div To execute.. are sending additional parameters through pageChange. Example a data role button data icon arrow r data iconpos right href #care plan view id 9e273f31 2672 47fd 9baa 6c35f093a800 amp name Sat h3 Sat h3 a To fix this problem use any page event..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content 'data filter' 'true' 'data filter placeholder' 'Search...' .appendTo '#index data role content ' ' li ' .append ' a href # Audi a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Mercedes a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append '.. .appendTo '#index data role content ' ' li ' .append ' a href # Audi a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Mercedes a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Opel a ' .appendTo '#test listview' '#test listview'.. a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Mercedes a ' .appendTo '#test listview' ' li ' .append ' a href # Opel a ' .appendTo '#test listview' '#test listview' .listview .listview 'refresh' Button Markup enhancement ' type button..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background change the view. We could have a dropdown menu defined as a ul like so ul class main menu li class active a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href # sm1 Submenu 1 a li li a href # sm2 Submenu 2 a li li a href #.. We could have a dropdown menu defined as a ul like so ul class main menu li class active a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href # sm1 Submenu 1 a li li a href # sm2 Submenu 2 a li li a href # sm3 Submenu 3 a li ul li li.. defined as a ul like so ul class main menu li class active a href # home Home a li li a href # menu1 Menu 1 a ul li a href # sm1 Submenu 1 a li li a href # sm2 Submenu 2 a li li a href # sm3 Submenu 3 a li ul li li a href # home Menu 2 a li ul..
how to bind fancybox to dynamic added element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9081571/how-to-bind-fancybox-to-dynamic-added-element add a html element to current document. like this first i append a element to body use jquery document.body .append a href home index class fancybox and i call fancybox .ajaxFancyBox .fancybox padding 0 but fancybox don't work with dynamic added.. parent as you need it and attach jQuery on to it so for example having this html div id container a class ajaxFancyBox href image01.jpg open image 01 a a class ajaxFancyBox href image02.jpg open image 02 a div .. we will apply on and focusin event.. example having this html div id container a class ajaxFancyBox href image01.jpg open image 01 a a class ajaxFancyBox href image02.jpg open image 02 a div .. we will apply on and focusin event to the element with id container the parent as in..
JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse because everyone talks about select or highlight in other terms. Is this possible My code so far is thus html a href javascript onclick SelectText 'xhtml code' Select Code a code id xhtml code Some Code here code js jquery function SelectText..
How to retrieve query string parameter and values using javascript (Jquery)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171713/how-to-retrieve-query-string-parameter-and-values-using-javascript-jquery element. I think I should be able to get it directly from href. So how do I retrieve value of id and status from HREF url query string I am using Jquery. Thank you for your help. UPDATE Also how do I can get all of the URL value .. i.e. test.php..
preventDefault won't work on Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367195/preventdefault-wont-work-on-firefox won't work on Firefox I'm trying to prevent A HREF from actually opening the link but to execute a script. I got the script part working but it seems Firefox would just ignore..
What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14302512/what-happens-when-no-response-is-received-for-a-request-im-seeing-retries NEW UPDATE It doesn't seem to have anything to do with my Ajax call. If I create a button with a simple HREF. i.e a href importdevice device serverA class btn btn success TestDirect Then in my 'Live HTTP headers output I get... just..
How do you know when to return false from a jQuery function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1635401/how-do-you-know-when-to-return-false-from-a-jquery-function form data to the server or an onclick event on an anchor element the default event action is to follow the anchor's HREF. You want to stop the event bubbling. Returning false from an event handler is like executing both event.preventDefault..
JQuery Not Parsing Properly attr(“href”) in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342903/jquery-not-parsing-properly-attrhref-in-ie http msdn.microsoft.com en us library cc848861 VS.85 .aspx Internet Explorer 8 or later. In IE8 mode the value of the HREF depends on the context of the reference to the attribute. When read as a Document Object Model DOM attribute HREF returns.. the HREF depends on the context of the reference to the attribute. When read as a Document Object Model DOM attribute HREF returns a URL relative to the domain hosting the Web page. HREF returns the value specified by the page author when read.. When read as a Document Object Model DOM attribute HREF returns a URL relative to the domain hosting the Web page. HREF returns the value specified by the page author when read as a content attribute when the page is displayed in an earlier..
How do I check for empty attr() in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3773195/how-do-i-check-for-empty-attr-in-jquery I check for empty attr in jquery I have a few divs that are created using PHP. The anchor within the div always has a HREF even if it is blank. Basically I am trying to detect if the HREF is blank. If it has content do nothing if it's blank strip.. using PHP. The anchor within the div always has a HREF even if it is blank. Basically I am trying to detect if the HREF is blank. If it has content do nothing if it's blank strip the text out delete the anchor them put the text back in. Here..
jQuery Ajax: return value to caller? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388436/jquery-ajax-return-value-to-caller . Will I assign into again jQuery function If so how do I do it I attached a sample file html head LINK REL StyleSheet HREF examples.css TITLE Contemporary TYPE text css script src jquery 1.2.6.js type text javascript script script src jquery impromptu.1.6.js..
How to add a Facebook “Like” button to an AJAX driven page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219729/how-to-add-a-facebook-like-button-to-an-ajax-driven-page SEO. Each click in the AJAX version can be represented by a unique URL. What I want to do is to dynamically change the HREF of the button. I do understand that this tag is converted to standard HTML at runtime namely into a nasty table iframe layout..
Is it possible change favicon on site when users change themes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875689/is-it-possible-change-favicon-on-site-when-users-change-themes favicon rel shortcut icon type image png href favicon.png You can change the favicon using Javascript by changing the HREF element on this link for instance assuming you're using JQuery #favicon .attr href favicon2.png Just use JQuery to check..
get href attribute of enclosing link tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5202619/get-href-attribute-of-enclosing-link-tag href attribute of enclosing link tag Having a little trouble on this one. I need a way using Jquery JS to find the HREF attribute of the enclosing link tag a href something.html img src img1.jpg class active a I want to target the img by class..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call Tour a li li a id menulogin href login.html Login a li ul div Here you'll notice I have a relative url in the HREF attribute and a link to some pages on my server. The reason for the links to my server is that I couldn't access your aaa.html..
JavaScript: Invoking click-event of an anchor tag from javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980709/javascript-invoking-click-event-of-an-anchor-tag-from-javascript click event of an anchor tag from javascript I have a page with an anchor tag. In my JavaScript I am setting the HREF attribute of the anchor tag dynamically based on some if else conditions. Now I want to invoke the click event of the anchor..
Passing a dynamic href into Fancybox Iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12074798/passing-a-dynamic-href-into-fancybox-iframe and pass the link into a php file script type text javascript jQuery document .ready function 'a' .each function var Href 'GetImg.php img ' this .attr href alert Href .Images .click function .fancybox.open href Href type 'iframe' padding 5 .. text javascript jQuery document .ready function 'a' .each function var Href 'GetImg.php img ' this .attr href alert Href .Images .click function .fancybox.open href Href type 'iframe' padding 5 ready script Href is being set ie alert Href.. 'a' .each function var Href 'GetImg.php img ' this .attr href alert Href .Images .click function .fancybox.open href Href type 'iframe' padding 5 ready script Href is being set ie alert Href and passed into the php file but isn't opening in..
Jquery Location Href? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7078660/jquery-location-href Location Href duplicate Possible Duplicate How can I make a redirect page in jQuery JavaScript I remember there's a redirect function..