jquery Programming Glossary: html.beginform
ASP.NET MVC Partial view ajax post? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14667274/asp-net-mvc-partial-view-ajax-post .html result error function script @using Html.BeginForm form elements Controller HttpPost public ActionResult _AddCategory..
In ASP.NET MVC, deserialize JSON prior to or in controller's action method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1474896/in-asp-net-mvc-deserialize-json-prior-to-or-in-controllers-action-method jQuery .get .post in view client JavaScript code. using Html.BeginForm JsonData Home new FormMethod.Post new id jsonform Html.TextArea..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap '@Url.Action PersonReport ' return false div @using Html.BeginForm SelectedPersonDetails Person form class form search input type..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click Required public String MyName get set Partial View @using Html.BeginForm Action Name Controller Name FormMethod.Post new id myForm @Html.LabelFor..
MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1720020/mvc-jquery-submit-form-without-page-refresh-from-javascript-function Solution.Controllers.BooksController BooksViewModel using Html.BeginForm null null FormMethod.Post new id bookform fieldset legend..
ASP.NET MVC 2 loading partial view using jQuery - no client side validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2652586/asp-net-mvc-2-loading-partial-view-using-jquery-no-client-side-validation a partial view that looks something like this using Html.BeginForm MyAction MyController Html.ValidationSummary true h3 Create..
how to reload jqgrid in asp.net mvc when i change dropdownlist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2839721/how-to-reload-jqgrid-in-asp-net-mvc-when-i-change-dropdownlist ContentPlaceHolderID MainContent runat server using Html.BeginForm HospitalSearch Claim FormMethod.Post new id TheForm table cellspacing..
Perform client side validation for custom attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747184/perform-client-side-validation-for-custom-attribute model return View model and finally a view @using Html.BeginForm @Html.LabelFor x x.Date @Html.TextBoxFor x x.Date @Html.ValidationMessageFor..
MVC 3 Razor - Ajax.BeginForm OnSuccess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4927479/mvc-3-razor-ajax-beginform-onsuccess 'slow' this .hide 'slow' return false script @using Html.BeginForm fieldset id contactForm legend Message legend p @Html.Label..
jquery ajax forms for ASP.NET MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4994032/jquery-ajax-forms-for-asp-net-mvc-3 is this then MvcAjax or Jquery Or would I use Html.BeginForm and register something like .post on the click event of the.. ajax.js script for this to work. Or would I use Html.BeginForm and register something like .post on the click event of the..
Manual form validation in MVC 3 and JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5054328/manual-form-validation-in-mvc-3-and-jquery var val '#myForm' .validate alert val.valid script @using Html.BeginForm FormMethod.Post new id myForm div @Html.LabelFor m m.UserName..
Call MVC 3 Client Side Validation Manually for ajax posts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5127813/call-mvc-3-client-side-validation-manually-for-ajax-posts name is required. public string LastName get set using Html.BeginForm Html.LabelFor model model.FirstName First Name Html.TextBoxFor..
MVC 3 jQuery Validation/globalizing of number/decimal field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5199835/mvc-3-jquery-validation-globalizing-of-number-decimal-field type text javascript script @using Html.BeginForm @Html.ValidationSummary true fieldset legend Product legend..
jQuery, MVC3: Submitting a partial view form within a modal dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6443337/jquery-mvc3-submitting-a-partial-view-form-within-a-modal-dialog collection What to put here The Partial View ....@using Html.BeginForm ....Html.EditorFor model model.Name ..... .... As you can see..
Return a List<E> from a view in view model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6765424/return-a-liste-from-a-view-in-view-model the ~ Views Home Index.cshtml view @model ViewModel @using Html.BeginForm div @Html.LabelFor x x.SomeDate @Html.EditorFor x x.SomeDate..
Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/707603/apply-jquery-datepicker-to-multiple-instances javascript function '#my_date' .datepicker script Using Html.BeginForm For Each item In Model.MyRecords Html.TextBox my_date br Next..
What's the best way to call a modal dialog in ASP.NET MVC using Twitter Bootstrap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8093633/whats-the-best-way-to-call-a-modal-dialog-in-asp-net-mvc-using-twitter-bootstra button h3 id myModalLabel Create Foo Bar h3 div @using Html.BeginForm Create Home FormMethod.Post new @class modal form @Html.ValidationSummary..
How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541821/how-to-simplify-my-statefull-interlaced-modal-dialogs-in-asp-net-mvc @Html.ValidationSummary true Erro na pagina. @using Html.BeginForm @Html.AntiForgeryToken div fieldset legend Item legend div..
unobtrusive client validation using fluentvalidation and asp.net mvc LessThanOrEqualTo not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9380010/unobtrusive-client-validation-using-fluentvalidation-and-asp-net-mvc-lessthanore return View model and a view @model MyViewModel @using Html.BeginForm @Html.Hidden DateToCompareAgainst Model.DateToCompareAgainst.ToString..
ASP.NET MVC Partial view ajax post? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14667274/asp-net-mvc-partial-view-ajax-post .serialize success function result .categories_content_container .html result error function script @using Html.BeginForm form elements Controller HttpPost public ActionResult _AddCategory CategoriesViewModel viewModel if success DbOperations.....
In ASP.NET MVC, deserialize JSON prior to or in controller's action method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1474896/in-asp-net-mvc-deserialize-json-prior-to-or-in-controllers-action-method ModelBinders.Binders typeof User new UserModelBinder 3.use jQuery .get .post in view client JavaScript code. using Html.BeginForm JsonData Home new FormMethod.Post new id jsonform Html.TextArea jsonarea new id jsonarea br input type button id getjson..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap type button value Download report class btn onclick location.href '@Url.Action PersonReport ' return false div @using Html.BeginForm SelectedPersonDetails Person form class form search input type text id tbPerson name tbPerson placeholder Find an employee.....
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click BTN type button value Button Model public class SampleModule Required public String MyName get set Partial View @using Html.BeginForm Action Name Controller Name FormMethod.Post new id myForm @Html.LabelFor i i.MyName @Html.TextBoxFor i i.MyName @Html.ValidationMessageFor..
MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1720020/mvc-jquery-submit-form-without-page-refresh-from-javascript-function Control Language C# Inherits System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl Solution.Controllers.BooksController BooksViewModel using Html.BeginForm null null FormMethod.Post new id bookform fieldset legend Books legend int i 0 foreach var book in Model.Books book.BookID..
ASP.NET MVC 2 loading partial view using jQuery - no client side validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2652586/asp-net-mvc-2-loading-partial-view-using-jquery-no-client-side-validation logic goes here var result ... return Json result I am returning a partial view that looks something like this using Html.BeginForm MyAction MyController Html.ValidationSummary true h3 Create my object h3 fieldset legend Fields legend div class editor..
how to reload jqgrid in asp.net mvc when i change dropdownlist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2839721/how-to-reload-jqgrid-in-asp-net-mvc-when-i-change-dropdownlist .trigger reloadGrid script asp Content asp Content ID Content2 ContentPlaceHolderID MainContent runat server using Html.BeginForm HospitalSearch Claim FormMethod.Post new id TheForm table cellspacing 0 cellpadding 2 width 100 border 0 tr td class Heading1..
Perform client side validation for custom attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747184/perform-client-side-validation-for-custom-attribute 1 HttpPost public ActionResult Index MyViewModel model return View model and finally a view @using Html.BeginForm @Html.LabelFor x x.Date @Html.TextBoxFor x x.Date @Html.ValidationMessageFor x x.Date input type submit value OK The last..
MVC 3 Razor - Ajax.BeginForm OnSuccess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4927479/mvc-3-razor-ajax-beginform-onsuccess .hide 'form' .submit function '#confirmation' .show 'slow' this .hide 'slow' return false script @using Html.BeginForm fieldset id contactForm legend Message legend p @Html.Label Email Email @Html.TextBox Email p p @Html.Label Subject Subject..
jquery ajax forms for ASP.NET MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4994032/jquery-ajax-forms-for-asp-net-mvc-3 the whole page back. in my Partial View would I use Ajax.BeginForm is this then MvcAjax or Jquery Or would I use Html.BeginForm and register something like .post on the click event of the Form. This would also have a fallback of plain html if javascript.. By default it is jquery. You need to reference the jquery.unobtrusive ajax.js script for this to work. Or would I use Html.BeginForm and register something like .post on the click event of the Form. That's an alternative. Personally that's what I do. I..
Manual form validation in MVC 3 and JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5054328/manual-form-validation-in-mvc-3-and-jquery text javascript function #butValidateForm .click function var val '#myForm' .validate alert val.valid script @using Html.BeginForm FormMethod.Post new id myForm div @Html.LabelFor m m.UserName @Html.TextBoxFor m m.UserName @Html.ValidationMessageFor m..
Call MVC 3 Client Side Validation Manually for ajax posts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5127813/call-mvc-3-client-side-validation-manually-for-ajax-posts FirstName get set Required ErrorMessage The customer's last name is required. public string LastName get set using Html.BeginForm Html.LabelFor model model.FirstName First Name Html.TextBoxFor model model.FirstName new @class TextBox id Customer.FirstName..
MVC 3 jQuery Validation/globalizing of number/decimal field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5199835/mvc-3-jquery-validation-globalizing-of-number-decimal-field script script src @Url.Content ~ Scripts jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js type text javascript script @using Html.BeginForm @Html.ValidationSummary true fieldset legend Product legend div class editor label @Html.LabelFor model model.name div div..
jQuery, MVC3: Submitting a partial view form within a modal dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6443337/jquery-mvc3-submitting-a-partial-view-form-within-a-modal-dialog public ActionResult PartialEdit int id FormCollection collection What to put here The Partial View ....@using Html.BeginForm ....Html.EditorFor model model.Name ..... .... As you can see the load in jQuery calls a PartialView named PartialEdit...
Return a List<E> from a view in view model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6765424/return-a-liste-from-a-view-in-view-model for submitting this data text plain then we move on to the ~ Views Home Index.cshtml view @model ViewModel @using Html.BeginForm div @Html.LabelFor x x.SomeDate @Html.EditorFor x x.SomeDate div div @Html.LabelFor x x.SomeString @Html.EditorFor x x.SomeString..
Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/707603/apply-jquery-datepicker-to-multiple-instances how to get it to work for multiple instances. script type text javascript function '#my_date' .datepicker script Using Html.BeginForm For Each item In Model.MyRecords Html.TextBox my_date br Next End Using Without the For Each loop it works fine but if there's..
What's the best way to call a modal dialog in ASP.NET MVC using Twitter Bootstrap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8093633/whats-the-best-way-to-call-a-modal-dialog-in-asp-net-mvc-using-twitter-bootstra type button class close data dismiss modal aria hidden true button h3 id myModalLabel Create Foo Bar h3 div @using Html.BeginForm Create Home FormMethod.Post new @class modal form @Html.ValidationSummary div class modal body div @Html.LabelFor x x.Foo..
How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541821/how-to-simplify-my-statefull-interlaced-modal-dialogs-in-asp-net-mvc 'close' script div id 'tempcontent' div div id formcontent @Html.ValidationSummary true Erro na pagina. @using Html.BeginForm @Html.AntiForgeryToken div fieldset legend Item legend div class editor label @Html.LabelFor m m.p01campo01 div div..
unobtrusive client validation using fluentvalidation and asp.net mvc LessThanOrEqualTo not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9380010/unobtrusive-client-validation-using-fluentvalidation-and-asp-net-mvc-lessthanore model HttpPost public ActionResult Index MyViewModel model return View model and a view @model MyViewModel @using Html.BeginForm @Html.Hidden DateToCompareAgainst Model.DateToCompareAgainst.ToString yyyy MM dd @Html.LabelFor x x.StartDate @Html.EditorFor..